Tuesday, May 01, 2007


While Kelli is enjoying fields of blooming wildflowers, the only things blooming in our fields are dandelions. As pesky as dandelions can be-I do enjoy them (shhh-don't tell!). I have already received my fair share of dandelion bouquets-and no doubt, have many more in store. But most especially, I am excited because, after a couple years of WANTING to do it- I am fianlly going to try my hand at wine making this year. So-Dandelion Wine-here I come! :-)

(I also want to try out strawberry wine when the time comes...) If any of you are wine makers-if you have tips-share 'em! My hubby has made beer and cider but I didn't have anything to do with those processes except sacrificing my kitchen for the process. This time it is all on me! :-)

Yesterday, the children and I went out to gather the needed dandelion heads ( TWO QUARTS!) and now that I have finished posting ALL the photos from THAT adventure, it is time for me to be OFF to the kitchen to get my wine made. I'll keep you updated.
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  1. I'm interested to hear how this goes, and what the process is. I've never had dandelion wine, but I have heard that it is good.

  2. I've never made wine but I'm also interested in how it works! Do you make the dandelion wine sweet? The strawberry wine sounds really good! Let us know how it goes!

  3. Please share the process for making this wine. One thing I do have growing in my yard is dandelions! LOL


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