Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Dragon's head, cut off

The battle of Good and Evil continues on.

First, the Good.

I am pleased to announce, my house is on the verge of immaculate. Most times, unfortunately, it must first be insanely, ridiculously, disgustingly despicable before I take the plunge of a deep clean. Yesterday, it got to that horrible point where there was not ONE tidy room to escape to (perhaps it was coming home from a week away, perhaps due to bridal shower preparations, or more likely due only to my sheer laziness) and so the uncompromising Mrs. was drawn out from within once again.

Suddenly-every room was a target and everything WITHIN the room had a to-do list all its own. I am an all or nothing kind of gal-so when I get in my funk-I roll with it.

Here is what I accomplished in a (rather FUN, I might add) day:


~Moved furniture out of kitchen, swept and mopped
~Beat the rug
~Made Dandelion wine
~A load in the dishwasher and a bit of handwashing to boot.
~Made peppermint tea
~Cleaned and mopped utility closet
~Worked a bit more on clearing my desk
~Reclaimed my desk I had to clean about 6 months of Andrew GUNK from it)
~Sorted and cleaned the inside of my diaper bag


~Moved EVERYTHING out of bathroom, swept and mopped
~Washed mirror, soap and toothbrush containers,
~Scrubbed toilet and SHOWER (this is a downfall of mine...)
~Cleaned heater
~Beat rug
~Sorted magazine and book basket

Dining Room:

~Cleared table
~Washed tablecloth
~Wiped down chairs
~Swept and mopped

And I did all of this DURING NAPTIME. (gasp!)

OUTSIDE of naptime I tackled...

~Organizing clutter and general tidying up of basement (let me tell sentence does NOT do justice to the job THAT was!)
~Potted nearly a dozen pots with one or several plants
~hung laundry on line and dried, then folded
~finished (with the exception of sewing on four buttons) a sewing project soon to be revealed!

I was very pleased with the work that I got accomplished...and a bit ashamed, too. If I can get THAT much done (when I am motivated to do so) in such a short time, WHY is it that the house is EVER in a state that would embarrass me? Gives ME a reality check, that's for sure.

Now for the EVIL EVIL EVIL.

Something is wrong with the connector cable to my camera, leaving me unable to download any of the photographs that I take. The dragon's head is cut off, so to speak. Though-MY dragon was the friendly, tongue-licking-like-a-dog type so it is not necessary a GOOD thing that it has been slayed. It IS, however, EVIL EVIL EVIL that I have no way to share photographs until further notice.

Perhaps some will sigh with relief, I know my right thumb and pointer (the camera duo) will.

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  1. You did SO much! I am impressed. I, like you, experience the slump of housekeeping. I am in one right now. I no longer have really littles (my youngest is 8), but there are still so many things to do. When I do get those bursts of housekeeping energy, it is amazing!

    I will miss your photographs. You are so talented and creative and your children are absolutely adorable!

  2. No worries...I am confident you will return better than ever :) In the meantime, keep painting pictures with your words :)


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