What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


When I was a little girl, how old I do not remember, my parents were poor. I think they were poor for MOST of my childhood actually, but I never KNEW we were poor. Mom's standards were such that we never LOOKED poor, and we certainly never ACTED poor...which is one reason why I believe most fervently, that you can economically-speaking be "lower class" but still have middle class standards.
And I have a hard time respecting those who shout pauperhood from their rooftops.

One year, my parents asked a neighbor to build this cradle for me. My mom stitched up some bedding for it made from cream fabric with pastel little animals on it. It was edged in blue ribbon-flecked with gold. Funny, I have that SAME spool in my craft room about 20 years later...

I woke up Christmas morning and was in LOVE with what was probably my only present. Tucked within that most amazing (in my eyes) cradle and bedding set, was a small little doll. It was a very very special Christmas.

That same cradle, now sits next to MY little girls' bed, with the SAME bedding as I had, though she has a much larger brood of children that have been rocked in it.

The other day, I walked into the room and saw my Panda camped out in it, reading a book and I couldn't help but think, once again-I had a dollbaby in my cradle. Funny. It never EVER crossed my mind, in those days of my girlhood, that my own real LIFE child would find comfort in my very special and very loved cradle.
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Tracy said...

How sweet! I grew up without much, too. My mother didn't save anything from my childhood. There are not even many pictures.

My dad made a cradle for my real babies, and now Abigail has it in her room, and it holds all of her "babies".

Rebecca said...

I have LESS than a handful of pictures from my childhood. I think that is why I go the opposite extreme with my own children.

That is SO special for your father to have made a cradle for your kids! What a great dad (and GRANDPA!)

LBP said...

That is one of the cutest photos I have seen in a long time! Panda is adorable sitting in your cradle.