Thursday, October 04, 2007

Little John wanted to nurse, so just a few ladies gathered in a quiet corner to chat and I came to admire the baby. I felt I could admire without guilt with his Mama holding him...rather than stalking over others who were trying to get their baby fill. :-)

That is ALMOST a smile!!!

See that? He was looking right AT me! Already observant!!

I do so LOVE baby expressions!
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  1. You are babies are the BEST! I found your blog recently, and have enjoyed it a lot! May God continue to bless you in all your womanly roles.

  2. He looks a bit put out with the paparrazzi!:0)

  3. Ha Ha Victoria! You crack me up.

    You are probably right-that is the funniest part. The only thing I can say in my defense is that I refused to use flash to hurt his little eyes....

  4. HA! I love all these baby pictures,and that last one makes me chuckle.


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