Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Not quite over the hump, just yet

Today is an odd day, I must say. I don't have a slew of photos to choose from for my blog post. This is VERY odd because I usually have TONS to post (and end up not posting them all). I don't know that I have used my little black magic eternalizer machine(that means, camera...)very much this week. GASP! Since I feel that I may be incapable of making a post here at Renaissance WITHOUT a photograph-I quickly snapped the one above this very morning.

Shows a glimpse into my life today. Nothing special other than that.

I am in charge of a post-baby baby shower, more specifically: food and decorations (and the legwork) while another woman is in charge of opening up her home. So, this morning has been spent deep in the thick of preparations. Mostly in the kitchen-with two little snitchers underfoot. Both children wanted to 'help' which meant a stool and a chair both pulled up to the counter. I realized that soon I may not even have room to COOK if I continue to get 'helpers'. :-)

The shower is tonight at 7:00 but, naturally, I have to be there earlier to set up. I have never been to a post-baby shower, but I imagine it will be quite fun. It is fun just to get out and spend some time with other ladies from time to time, ya know? I guess I might be needing that right about now...

Here are some of the goodies I have made thus far:

Autumn Chex Mix
Pumpkin Pie Dip with Gingersnap dippers
Pumpernickle/Rye Dip in a bread boat
Chocolate Chip Cheese Ball with chocolate graham crackers
Taco Salad Dip

We will also be having Pumpkin Bread, Caramal Apple Slices, and Mulled Cider.

This afternoon will be spent doing some decorations, etc. My party decorating style is simple and classic for the most part. I doll things all up with a color theme-simple solid colored table cloth and runner, flowers, candles, an elegant banner... It's amazing how much greater an effect can be made using just simple techniques.

I initiated the whole 'Pamper Basket' into affect here. Our old church did this several times and I have always thought it such a good idea, I kept it going over here. A pamper basket is simply, a basket filled with pamper items for the Mama. Everyone brings something small to include in the basket when they come. I think it is especially appropriate given the circumstances here. A Mama of a newborn is much more in need of pampering than one who is still expecting. Well, maybe. :-)

I'll let you know how it all turns out-and there will be a few more party type recipes at Kitchen Riches after a while, too.

More on Cider~Matt has finally completed the Cider Press Refurbish! It looks GrEaT!!! He and I are both excited about it-though, naturally, him moreso. After all-this has been his pet project for the last few months. This weekend we are going to an Octoberfest party put on by some friends-and we will be giving the 'ole cider press a trial run. It will be really wonderful to see all Matt's hard work come to fruition. I hope it tastes good-and more importantly, that we make enough for EVERYONE!

Well then, I suppose I should be off. No more dallying. There are things to be done! Hope everyone has a happy hump day! :-)
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  1. Don't be surprized if I ask you a bunch of questions for this shower, because from the sounds of it, it will be very fallish, and now that I'm doing adoption party plans, I need all the help I can get, making it a good time with good food! :)

  2. Oh, and I hope all goes well tonight :) Have Fun! :)

  3. All of your goodies sound delicious. By the way, do you happen to have a recipe for Apple Jelly and for Applesauce? I thought I saw one on your blog before, but now I can't find it.


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