Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Cween and Fwesshhhhh

Cleaning out the Camera's Memory card in preparation for trip : check! 6 more days!

Just a few from bathtime the other day....

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  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Tell them when they come to my house, they can bathe in my big tub. Luke and Kayla think it is a swimming pool!!

  2. So you are coming to Indiana! I'm looking forward to meeting you! I like reading your blog, too :)

  3. So precious!
    These are beautifully captured moments of adorable children.

  4. Anonymous6:53 PM

    what a sad house when the mother has to show then young boy to shave !!!! what was his dad doing scrapbooking ????

  5. Anonymous7:31 AM


    I am sure he was imitating his dad after watching him shave numerous times. These kids have a GREAT dad. You certainly don't know this family.

  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    well Mrs.B, i do know that family well and his father dosen't know how to shave . as far as his father being great (lol) I am the GREATEST dad of all times !!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Okay, I know who you are now. :-) You shouldn't say things like that though without signing your name. I did realize you were teasing. You sounded nasty since I didn't know who it was, and I was going to defend this family. You are both great families, but I have the guy who is the GREATEST dad. Sorry, you will have to take a number down further. My son is number 2!!!! Take good care of that wife and baby, and tell her hello from Indiana.

  8. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Correction to above comment: I meant to say that I DIDN'T realize you were teasing.

  9. Ooh. I love the top and bottom ones, especially! So sweet. I took bathtime pictures the other day, too, but the girls looked a bit more cramped!

    Who knows when I'll get around to posting them. Maybe never, at the rate I'm going...


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