Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Heckedy Peg

If you have, oh, about 15 minutes to spare or need to find an excuse to procrastinate for a bit, here are some videos of Corynn reading.

Er. Well...not reading. She received a book in the mail last week that has quickly become her all-time favorite (for now.) I meant to write you, Abby, to thank you and to tell you how much she has enjoyed it-but then I thought, you wouldn't FULLY understand how serious I was being unless you saw for yourself.

She asked me to read it day after day, and each time I was done-before I had spoken the last written word she asked it I would read it again. Within a week, she had it memorized.

So, no. She can't read. But she could fool anyone who didn't know the truth!

We interrupt this program...

Sorry for the laugh fest. Ever since she was a bitty one, she has had the uncanny ability to make me lose all my senses in laughter. She looks at me funny and I start chuckling, then she starts her giggling and eventually we are both red in the face with tears streaming and cheeks throbbing.

Once we eventually regain our composure (sort of), she continues on...

And that, is pretty much word for word (with the exception of a few misplaces Days of the Week and a few random tangents) the book Heckedy Peg.

It's a keeper. The illustrations are beautiful too. Corynn sais "This book is beautiful. I like how all the pictures are gold." All having gold tones is something that I like too. If you haven't already, you ought to find this one and share it with your kiddos.

Thanks so much Abby for sharing the great books!


  1. I can't wait to go to my moms and watch this! Audrey also has memorized books(We are all about Frances the badger right now), and is a very convincing "reader"!

  2. Anonymous4:36 PM

    just as a side note, its wonderful that your daughter and you laugh to tears together...

    ive never been a big "laugher" and my son asks me all the time why i don't laugh more....

    so that's really cool of you

    celina in canada

  3. I LOVE the laugh fest!!!

    And, you can tell that the one who reads to her is very dramatic! Where else would she learn that from?!

  4. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Great job, Corynn. You can read to Bobby when you come to Indiana. He would love it so. I can't wait to laugh with you two.

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Very impressive.....so very cute!

    Crystal in Pahrump

  6. You're welcome. The girls and I loved this, especially the laughing part.

    Our copy hasn't been in regular rotation for a few months, but now it's out again! Every time it gets back into the reading pile, I hear the girls upstairs or down playing the roles of Heckedy Peg and the mother. Ringing shouts of "GIVE ME BACK MY CHILDREN!!!" fill the house, and I feel glad that the part that impresses most is the mother's cleverness and faithful love.

  7. Hello, Google pointed me to your blog when I searched for info on the book Heckedy Peg and I am so glad it did! Your daughter is absolutely delightful, smart & beautiful. I really enjoyed watching her "read" the book. Now I know I will definitely have to buy this one for my daughter. G-d bless you both!


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