Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My sister and I carpooled today, for a very important cause.

To go visit Oma and Opa.

We left early, came back late, spent much time in the van, and much less time visiting.

She and I both felt a draw toward their home, and a pull toward visiting with them, if only to tell them that we love them and are thinking of them, and truly concerned for them.

It was a good visit and I am very thankful for the opportunity to have had it~ especially now, as I learn that tomorrow Oma is going in for surgery to discover if a large lump in her esophogus is cancerous or not. I worry less about the cancer, however, than I do the surgery . She is a frail creature who has lived over 80 years a fighter and at some point will not be able to fight as hard.

It was good to tell her I loved her.

It was also good to give my children another opportunity not just to say it, but to realize it.

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  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I'm so glad you were able to make a trip to visit your Opa and Oma. Memories were made for all I'm sure. I'll be praying for your Oma today as she faces surgery. May the Lord see fit to bring her through it without any problems.

    I was never able to make one last trip to visit either of my grandmas. One died in a car accident shortly before I turned 15 and the other died in 2006 while we were on our way down to see her knowing that she had been taken to the hospital from a heart attack. I rejoice in the fact that they both loved the Lord and I'll see them again someday!

  2. So happy you took this opportunity to see your precious grandparents. You may have been tired after the long day - but I'm sure your heart was at peace and your children were grateful.

  3. I don't know if I've ever passed a link to this blog along to you and Elizabeth. Titi's brother Rundy writes about some of his experiences in his last 2 years as caretaker for his ailing grandparents. (His grandpa also has Alzheimer's.) The online New York Times featured him in an article. He's since been contacted about writing a book and is in the process of doing so, so it's likely that there'll be a cohesive collection of similar writings to come in the future.

    I especially found this post and this one moving.

    My heart goes out to your Oma and Opa...and to you and your family. "My only comfort in life and in death is that I belong to my Savior Jesus Christ." Praise God that this is mightily so for your dear grandparents, and that you will greet them, restored, glorified, and whole, again one day! No sadness and no sorrow there-- only overwhelming joy.


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