Monday, November 03, 2008

And then there were wings

I think this little snipe is sticking her tongue out at me...and I didn't even know it! Stinker.

After the pumpkin farm, we headed home for a few hours and then made our way out trick or treating, and then it was on to Grandma and Grandpa's house--they always enjoy the costume show.

These are the few (bad) shots I got before we left to go...Dusk will do that to you.

Yes~ the owls DID get wings. Once they made them that is!

This is the point at which Corynn said "Hey Great Horned Owl! You eat OTHER smaller owls...and I am smaller! You can eat me!" Then, the great chase.

Never have I heard an "Eat me" request though. The real Eastern Screech Owls must have been hanging their heads in shame!

At one point, a candy-giver exclaimed what a cute DUCK Andrew was. He stood upright and said in the funniest, most offended voice possible: "I no duck. I a horned Great OWL." The woman and I both laughed so hard. That was definitely a "you had to be there" moment...

It was a treaty sort of night.
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  1. They looked so cute Rebecca! :)

  2. Your children are too adorable, every time I read one of your picture posts it makes me wish hubby and I were ready... someday I'll have little owls in my house!

  3. I LOVE their masks! Really, truly love. I kinda wish the girls choose to be birds next year, because I love how your little owls look, and I have no qualms about copying.


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