Monday, November 03, 2008

A Costumed Birthday

It's been a busy weekend. After Friday's festivities, Saturday held a whole new set of fun: in the form of a dress-up birthday party. My little sister has caught up to Corynn's age-and my Little Miss thinks that is pretty cool.

There were over 20 kids, if my count is correct: and four adults. There was lots of bouncing, running, laughter...and bobbing for apples. My mom is apparently an expert at that! It took her just seconds to retrieve the fruit! Who knew?!?

After some practice, girls started beaming with their successes.

I thought it was so funny to see all the googly-eyed children waiting to see the presents opened. What a funny sight.

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  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "Apple bobbing originates from Celtic times when Halloween was called Samhain in some Gaelic languages, when apples were associated with love or fertility."

    At least according to wikipedia.

  2. Ha! Apropos.

    I love that top picture of her and the one of the three girls holding apples.

    She is really striking!


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