What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A whole week

This very day a week ago, my life changed. Forever.

About this time, Matt had left me at the hospital to rest while he rounded up our children-and I was able to bask in my new, amazing little one.

I was in my happy place.

A week later, in my own home, on my own bed; surrounded by loves (and laundry!) , I still am.

I don't generally write return comments on my blog unless a specific question is asked, generally because I don't go back and check for return comments on OTHER peoples' blogs and would hate to waste what little time I have on the computer doing something futile. I fear at times, though, that because of this, I don't adequately express my gratitude for the friendships that have been kindled and the thoughtful words poured out on my behalf.

Each kind word uplifts my soul.

Each understanding ear brings me from my own solitude.

Each moment given to me, in typed words or kind gestures, warms my heart.

Each comment is cherished, VALUED.

I appreciate so very much all of you who have shared in my overwhelming joy at the birth of our daughter. The moments you took to write sweet nothings for her (and I) mean so very much to me. I have read, and reread those heartwarming comments often and appreciate all the prayers and joy you have offered up on our behalf.

Thank you for sharing in my life and for sharing in yours as well.

I appreciate you all so very much.

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Victoria said...

She's not even mine and that week FLEW by!!

Tracy said...

Such sweetness here.

Mom2fur said...

Oh, ooey gooey cuteness! Could you ever, ever stop kissing those chubby little cheeks?
Congratulations to all! Bunkin is a dollbaby!

Anonymous said...

I used to read your blog often, then went and deleted my entire favorites list. Crazy! I'm glad I found it again. I always enjoy reading. Congratulations on your newest little one.

Heather K said...

great pictures Rebecca! I especially love the last one...she looks so completely contented with life. :)
I enjoyed your santa post...we didnt ever do the santa thing...never understood it really...we never were taught it as children so didn't think we really missed out on anything I guess...but reading how much you enjoyed it and how warm your memories are of it....maybe I did miss out but no.....i think I came to some pretty similar conclusions as you did...I hope you'll let us know how it all goes after Christmas. =)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Rebecca, Bunkin is adorable-I love your blog its lifts my spirits each time I read it. Thank you for the blessing!
alisa in Ct

Full of Grace said...

Beautiful pictures of you and Adele :)

Terri said...

I can't believe it's been a week already. I absolutely LOVE those chubby little cheeks. She is just absolutely precious, Rebecca. You are very blessed. :-)

kimberlyann said...

Well Rebecca, I have been a lurker. I was in bed for 3 days with a bum knee and found your blog when Jewels from Eyes of Wonder congratulated you on the birth of Bunkin. I started from the beginning of your blog and read it from 2005! What a story. Many stories within a story. I must say I admire you for so many reasons.
You are so confident in the path you have chosen for your family. I really admire how strong you are in your convictions, and yet you seem so willing to stretch your wings and try new things.
What a good work ethic you have.
I have 3 grown children that are your age, that I raised when I was very young, and I was not as sure of myself as you are, and it is reflected in them.
I was a good mother, but wish I had been a bit more "focused".
I have now adopted a 2 yr old, who may be raised as an only, but will be much more disciplined and directed. I find great comfort in many of your quotes and scriptures on mothering.
I found my true calling as a wife and mother in my 40s. It also took me that long to develop my own relationship with God. So, the strength of my youth was not spent in the ways it could have been, but I am happy that yours is. What a blessing for your children and for Matt.

I only "delurk" to shower you with praise, and to encourage you in your role as a wife and mother. You realize your true treasures, and that will sustain you.

Congratulations on your sweet new baby, and I look forward to your future blogs.
Love, Kimberly

Christine said...

That week really flew by! I am so glad that you are savoring your time with your precious Adele. (And how could you not, she is absolutely lovely, and so breathtakingly sweet!) ;) Blessings, dear friend!

Pear tree cottage! said...

There is NOTHING!! on this earth more beautiful then a mother and child................blessings to you on the safe arrival of your darling.


Abigail said...

She is unimaginably sweet in that last photo. I want to snuggle her myself, and I've got my own baby!

Mom2fur said...

Just hopped over to say I hope you are feeling great, post-partum and all! Put your feet up for a minute and have some eggnog, okay?