Tuesday, February 03, 2009


Little Bunkin didn't really like the wind---it kept making her gasp for breath---but eventually her funny gasping face turned to...

a cute snuggly face.

And I was just wondering...WHEN did this girlie get EYELASHES? I specifically remember her NOT having eyelashes just yesterday! How can it be that this has slipped by me, unnoticed?!?

And finally~ this photo cracks me up. I love it because my beautiful, wonderful, WELL-USED sling is featured. Corynn took it and holy toledo! I'm GIGANTIC! A modern day Goliath. Except a woman. And a love of God. Buy hey, other than that it is a perfect likeness.

I think it is so funny that my head is LITERALLY in the clouds. The perspective of a child...
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  1. I have been left in awe of your photography, yet again! Frame them and hang them- EVERYWHERE!


    Ps. There's something for you over on my blog! :-)

  2. Such a beautiful baby. I would love to know what kind of a wrap that is!

  3. Beautiful pictures of Adele'! Isn't it nice to have a shot of yourself holding your littlest though, even if it is from a little ones perspective??? :)

  4. I think that's an awesome picture of you. Good work, Corynn!


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