Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It wasn't long, however....

...before the hunters found bigger game.

And they brought it IN the house. (Thank you, Elizabeth.)

I apologize in advance for you snake-haters out there---because, you KNOW you'll be seeing more of this little guy. I mean, he's sorta a reptilian sort of way. Dontcha think?

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1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOODNESS, I sit hear with tears streaming down my cheeks because I cannot stop chuckling! Oh man, I was hoping the kids would enjoy their "party favors" and Corynn and Andrew are the epitome of party goers- they used theirs over and over and over again! Thanks Corynn and Andrew for making my day- and Thanks Rebecca for the laugh (and yes I know, revenge is sweet so soon I won't be laughing) :)


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