Wednesday, May 06, 2009

it's a thankless job

Miss Corynn stood perplexed for a bit before coming to me and pointing something out.

"See this speck here Mama?"

" It's a BUG, but it WANTS to be a stone."

LittleStoneWannabe had its' little beetle wings stuck to the plastic with water. His little legs were a'flailing. Trust me, he did NOT want to be a stone. He wanted to be long gone. We got him out of the catcher and still~he was stuck. Only this time, on my hand.
I'd say the poor guy was outta luck, had such a plight, was dealt an unfair hand, struggled with a terrible lot in life, and was burdened with a heavy load. ((Did I miss any?))

That is, until a compassionate little girl held her finger over him so his little legs could latch on. As soon as he was freed, he flew off without so much as a thank-you.

I feel no pity for the struggling if they are rude and thankless. Serves him RIGHT, I say.
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