Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Ever hold your own pupils?

I have.
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  1. Very cool- how long did it take you to get a shot like this?

  2. um. .3 seconds.

    (It was a fluke.)

    Meaning: I didn't TRY it at all, just happened! :-)

  3. And you say that you aren't photogenic (or however you spell that)...

    If you aren't, there isn't a lot of hope for the rest of us! :P

    Blessings, Rebecca! GORGEOUS PIC!

  4. I'm really not.

    Well, maybe my pupils are.

    But notice the double chin is cut off and my face is split in (nearly) two?

    AND, I took my own picture.

    All these things make ALL the difference.


  5. (huh. I thought I never wrote comments back to people.) I guess Bonnie and Amy, you guys are too fun to resist.

  6. You never write comments back... hmm I think you need to rethink that one! ha ha...

    I love the photo... you have gorgeous eyes (I'm an eyes person myself...)

    And you are PHOTOGENIC!! Don't let yourself believe a lie. No, not a supermodel but who would want to be one any way. Ugghhhh.... ick...

    And yes, I have held my own pupils. So have you... Every day that you are teaching your own children, you are holding your own pupils.. Gotta love words that have more than one meaning... :)

    Take care! I'm off to fight the hoary frost, brave the bitter winds, and face... hmm I don't know. Maybe I'll just go clean the carrots i pulled yesterday..

  7. Beautiful picture of you Rebecca, really beautiful!

  8. Isn't it fun when things like that "just happen"! :)

  9. You are so comical...and I just have to laugh! I just love it!


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