Monday, September 21, 2009

Mulititude Monday

Waking up to a window of orange and witnessing this sky. I jumped from bed, ran outside and watched the world wake up. The colors melded, the clouds moved and every moment became different from the last. Isn't that the way life is too? Life is fleeting, as are the moments it is made up with.

But each one is beautiful and each one is a gift. awe-inspiring sky
#120.......laying on picnic blanket under a hot, bright sun on a Sunday afternoon
#121....... chocolate milk
#122........people who participate in Foto Friday with me

#123..........a backseat quiet with noses in books
#124..........a dozen eggs scrambled, almost every morning
#125.........a basket of eggs, still full

Watched THIS youtube video and found gratitude anew as I heard the breathing of my sleeping children (#126). Thankfulness that I have been spared the pain of losing a child. (#127) Thankfulness for the strength of those parents who acted in faith and became a testimony to so many(#128). Thankfulness for those moments they got with their dear Thomas. Those moments of stroking his soft, little head. The warmth of his belly on theirs. Each and every cry. That he knew only love. And knows only love now.(#129)

#130..........handwritten letters
#131...........packages of love
#132...........ALASKA socks to warm my toes, when they NEED warming!

Watched THIS movie this weekend. To live in this house.(#133) To live free.(#134) To live without persecution.(#135) To live without fear of death.(#136) To never have had to feel the pain of your child being ripped away from you, to hear their cries of terror as they call your name.(#137) These things I so often take for granted.

The strength of those individuals who endured such turmoil in their lives and yet never wavered in their faith, who proclaimed the omnipotence of God while in the midst of such suffering. (#138)

(#139)........... Legs sprawled over husbands lap
(#140).......... Matt's hands, they are perfect
(#141)...........the crunch of leaves
(#142)........... pencils sharpened
(#143) playdough

(#144).........the puzzle doer of the family
(#145).........candy corn
(#146)..........a garden full of pumpkins

(#147)............bacon cheese fries from the oven.
(#148) oven door opened wide to warm the kitchen
(#149)............splitting wood on a Saturday, man and wife~working side by side
(#150) and yellow begonias
(#151)...........eyelashes long and fluttery
(#152) .........caterpillar hunts

Just a few more gifts, #119 to # 152, now noticed. Join us?

holy experience


  1. "watched the world wake up" and wake up it did with those gorgeous colors and you captured it for us. Love your photography--especially the raised hands baby. And I love the name Adele-how beautiful, sounds regal--grateful to give praise with you this week.

  2. We watched the same movie a week ago, three times! It was spectacular, really made a person think!!


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