Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Growing Pains

This wee one has been just tormented by her first tooth breaking through.
Poor girl.

Better enjoy the last of these toothless grins when I can get them.

I wonder how long I have before she stops sporting the Grandpa Munster hair??!?

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  1. I like the Grandpa Munster hair!
    R. has 6 teeth. 6 razor sharp bite-happy little teeth. And she's figured out how to grind them.
    May Adele's coming teeth be grinding free. *grin*

  2. BTW, you already know, but still, it must be said:
    That is one sweet, darling, adorable, BEAUTIFUL kissy baby.

  3. She looks so very much like Corinne. She has the same eyes. Such a lovely baby!


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