Monday, January 04, 2010

Today I:

  • took down the Christmas decorations
  • singlehandedly rid our living room of the tree growing from it
  • swept. Twice.
  • moved all furniture in living room around in order to sweep under them.
  • Took the rug outside and shook it.
  • then vacuumed it.
  • Mopped floor (and under furniture! Worth repeating!)
  • Dusted and polished all furniture (and things on the furniture).
  • Vacuumed all couches/chairs.
  • Shined painting and clock.
  • Cleaned windowsills
  • de-cobwebbed (if that isn't already a word, it is now.)
And in the schoolroom (since I was on a roll)

  • swept
  • vacuumed
  • furniture polished furniture
  • dusted stuff
  • Organized school shelves. (They had gotten BAD)
  • Sorted through baskets full of miscellaneous stuff and put it all away
  • sorted through toys and added a few to yardsale pile
  • de-cobwebbed (told you it was a word)
Though these rooms are clean and fresh, they still look terribly forlorn without all those beautiful lights and shimmers everywhere. :-(

What's so wrong with having a Christmas tree up all year long, I ask?


  1. Yeah, I still have all my stuff up, but it's more wintery than Christmasy, and I'm not tired of it yet. BUt, I suppose I should take it down while I'm feeling good, it could be up 'til April if I don't!

  2. Anonymous8:51 AM

    I love to put the small white sparkly lights on a big plant, or over the picture windows indoors, just for some glitter during the winter months. Especially since it gets dark so early.

  3. We have a couple of strings of the new LED twinkle lights that we leave up until March/April time usually. This year we made paper snowflakes and sprinkled glitter on them which shine pettily in the windows... Alas I will be taking it all down sometime this week. The finality of moving just hit me... feeling a bit melancholy as I am going to miss my friends here. How is it possible for a person to be melancholy and excited all at the same time? I don't know either but I am! Unfortunately the procrastinator is coming out and nothing is completed!

    Just wanted you to know how thoroughly impressed I am with your accomplishments for the day!

    (on a side note... a very old letter just got mailed today! We found it in a pile of mending. LOL)


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