Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I leave one itty bitty comment on someone elses' blog talking about goosebumps and before I know it~ half my blog readers know the news before I even hint around at it here!

I am amazed.

For the other half: HERE IS A CLUE!!!


And if you still don't get it, let me spell it out for you:

We just found out that it isn't Newman Five after all but that there has been a new little Newman secretly hiding out for the last few weeks. A shy one, methinks.

We are beyond thrilled with this tiny new year's surprise~ only five days into it, 2010 has already proven to be a good year! :-)

I told Matt that we were expecting again when we were playing bananagrams. I had to "PEEL" almost the whole letter pot but I eventually was able to spell out my message. He was so intent upon winning, he never noticed until the end.

Mattie thinks he won that game, but since what I had planned worked itself out perfectly, I consider myself to be the winner.



  1. YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh my goodness, that is hilarious that Matt did't even notice!

  2. P.S. OKAY, how crazy, that we are, yet again pregnant at the same time? But I was certain beyond certain when you said that on my blog.
    I'm figuring my due date is around September 9. Have you guessed at yours yet. You know what I'm just gonna stop talking and go write you a letter.

    (Oh yeah, another blog I visit, Kimberly's Cup, she's expecting too. Like she was when I was pregnant with Muffin. Her due date was a few days after mine. She lost that baby sadly, at 22 weeks.BUT. What are the odds that all 3 of us are pregnant again, and will most likely have due dates very close together, again?)

    CONGRATULATIONS! Aahh! I am so excited!

  3. P.S. #2: I have been checking your blog, like every 10 minutes (well, I think I went 11 minutes once) since you said that!

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    WOW!!! Congrats..your catching up to me girl :D


  5. We are all very excited and happy for you all! What a sweet blessing from the Lord and a wonderful surprise for the beginning of the year! God bless you dears, and congratulations!

    Love to all,
    The Brookshire Ladies

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! How wonderfully exciting!!! And we're pregnant again together, too!!! I'm so happy for you and your family!!! Can you tell?! :)

    Do you know your EDD? It looks like we'll be about 2 months apart. Oh, I wish I was there to give you a big congratulatory hug!!! (((HUGS)))

  7. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Congratulations! A special New Year's Delivery package in the making.

    May His arms be wrapped around your womb as He carefully knits together His precious creation.

  8. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Oh yay for you and your family! Congrats! What a wonderful way to start the year! And I love how you told him! Lolol!

  9. Congratulations!!!! And what a cute way to tell Mat. I can't believe he didn't notice until the end of the game. LOL!

  10. I am so over the moon thrilled for all of you! Congratulations!

  11. OH how incredibly exciting!! I've been checking hourly to see if I was right!!! You have no idea how excited I am for you!!! You are the 3rd friend who has just revealed the good news (still waiting on friend #4 to admit she is expecting but they usually wait until she is a bit farther along...) What a blessing!! (I love how you told Matt!!)

  12. Woohoo! I am so happy for you and your family! I love the pictures!

  13. Congratulations Rebecca and family!! I am so excited for you. I first started reading your blog when Jewels at Eyes of Wonder blogged about Adele's arrival but I don't think I have commented before! I love reading your blog and your photography (especially family subjects!!) is so beautiful.
    I'm expecting #6 in June, we live in New Zealand.
    Love Louise

  14. Congratulations!!!!!!! We are so happy for you all. What a blessing for the beginning of the year - any time for that matter. You just couldn't let Jean have four without you, could you. This time they won't be about the same age though since their 4th came at 3 years old!

  15. Oh that got me all teary eyed! I am so happy for you all. I got pregnant with Leiella right at the beginning of the new year (2009) also SO I agree it is a great way to start out a new year!

    Love your creativity in telling Matt...that is so sweet.

    Exciting! :)

  16. Congratulations!! So happy for you. Looking forward to prego pics.


  17. Congrats! I came over from Dawn's and just happened to visit on a great day! I'm so tickled for you!

  18. WOW!!! I don't check in for a few days and look what I miss.

    Congratulations, Rebecca & Matt!!!

  19. *gag* on the pickle picture! Sorry, I'm pregnant and can still be a little food sensitive. :)

    What a blessing... and babies are always fun to make. ;)

  20. Congratulations! Another little Newman! I'd already guessed from your comment on the other blog, but I loved seeing your clues in picture form. The pickles and icecream cracked me up!


  21. HAHAHA!!! LOVE THE PIC!!! :) YEEESSS!! Peggy and I were right on, huh?! SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! I have a gazillion questions, but I'll spare you...give you time to finish your *cough, cough* yummy dessert! :P


  22. Rosemary7:50 PM

    Congratulations! I am so happy for your and your family.

  23. Congratulations to you! How exciting. :D

    I am not even pregnant, and that photo makes me want to retch-LOL!

  24. Rebecca,

    Just this morning I told Bill and the kids that I would be willing to bet money that you were pregnant. After reading your comment on Bonnie's blog, I was positive. I had planned to mention it discretely in a letter I have been writing to you (for over two weeks). But since the WORD is out, I'll just say, "CONGRATULATIONS! I AM SO THRILLED FOR YOU & THE REST OF YOUR GANG!!"

    Love & hugs,



  25. Yay and Yipee! Congratulations dear, dear friend! We are so excited for the Newman 6!

  26. Hi Rebecca :) What a joy to read your happy news! Keeping you in my prayers. Love to you all, Q

  27. Yah I'm so excited for you!!!

  28. Congratulations! I am so happy for you.

  29. Anonymous12:34 AM

    CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! :D What a lovely way of announcing it!

  30. That is wonderful! Congrats!! I love the way that you broke the news to hubby (and to us). **grin**

  31. Late in the congratulation department, but joyful nonetheless- I'm very happy for you and Matt Rebecca, Big Hugs and Heart Congratulations :)

  32. Congratulations! Another gorgeous baby to take gorgeous pics of! :)

  33. Congratulations Rebecca! How exciting! So happy for you and your family.

  34. Anonymous12:40 PM

    congrats for MR.Brown and family .
    i think next year we will get you guys cable tv for X-mas ! good luck and congrats

  35. Congratualtions over and over again! I actually wondered if you were...I thought that you had mentioned something in one of your journal entries that had me thinking...I just cant wait to see your "little"! Youll have to let me know if you said something a while back...its driving me nuts!

  36. Oh Congratulations! We LOVE baby news around here!! A Happy New year, indeed!

  37. Congratulations, Newmans. What great news. Another nail in the coffin of the anti-christ culture, the Kingdom of God grows some more!

  38. Congratulations! What a lovely New Year's blessing ;)

  39. Dear Rebecca,
    We are all so excited for you guys. Congratulations that is great news! Miss you guys. Take care. Caroline

  40. This is what I get for not reading your blog for a while. I scrolled through each post kinda quickly (not really paying attention) and then the sentence "A little heart beating under mine" and I'm like...wait, back up.
    So I kept scrolling and THEN I find this post!
    CONGRATS, Rebecca! Hope you have an easy pregnancy. :)

  41. I can't believe how BEHIND I am!! I missed your WONDERFUL news!! Congratulations on your new little blessing! Praying God blesses you with a wonderful pregnancy and a healthy little one!


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