Public and Christian schools have snow days off but we homeschoolers chug along, freezing our patooties off while wearing down erasers and cuttings paper to bits in our own living rooms.
I much prefer to take an occasional "SUN day". Just to call it even. ;-)
It was 55 degrees today and beautifully golden--a far cry from the 18 inches of snow dumped on us a few weeks ago (which still remains). I celebrated by painting my toes, shaving my legs and declaring today a SUN day...I figured after about a month of on again/off again sickness and an entire season of on again/on again snow and ice, we were about due for some FRESH AIR.
Because, seems to me, FRESH AIR is just about the best thing for children. AND cooped up Mamas too, come to think of it.
We went to the park with lunch and bikes and spent the afternoon. I had never brought bikes to a park before but let me just say: it was SO great.
The older two sped around the park on their bikes while I speed walked behind them with the stroller, trying to keep up. I figured one trek around would tire out the Panda but we ended up circling the park three or four times!
Talk about good exercise-for everyone! It felt so crazy good to be outside and energetic.
I think it is so funny how her sweater matches the door and her shoes match the wall in this photo.
Adele' stayed in the stroller the whole time and, despite the appearance of this photo:
really enjoyed herself. In fact, I was reintroduced to her deep-throated belly laugh after a month long hiatus. It was music to my ears.
Since I am now in my second trimester and starting to feel like I am starting to show (at 15 weeks), I figured it was about time for my first Smooch picture.
Remember how I confessed that I hate having my pictures taken because I am SO UNPHOTOGENIC?!?!
And remember how everyone said "Oh NO! That isn't true! You look lovely! Stunning! Wonderful!" and I laughed and sneered and chuckled because I knew the truth and you wouldn't believe it?
This is my laughing, outloud, sharing my dorkdom with the world. Sorry Smooch. You are being born to a dork.
no. A Dork with a capital D.
And oh-BY THE WAY. I am NOT growing a goatee. Or maybe I ought to have aimed the razor up toward my face and not down toward my toes. That COULD be.
Here I am looking slightly less dorky, but obviously, not very pregnant since I didn't seem to quite fit Smooch in the picture. (It was that gargantuan yellow flower pin that was hogging all the space in the frame.)
Hi Rebecca,
What a wonderful idea - sun days!
What beautiful photos - your face shows such expression, and you are definitely not unphotogenic! :D
Pregnancy becomes you.
Have a wonderful week,
Jillian ♥
Every day is SUN day in Phoenix!! HA HA!!!
I thought of all you snow people while I was hiking the other day, in shorts and sports bra. SWEATING. I could only laugh. Pretty soon we'll be dipping in the pool while it's still COLD in other parts of this country.. I love Arizona [Phoenix] the more I think of people who deal with snow every year. =D
Great pictures by the way! I love the reflection!
I confess to having taken homeschool "sun days" from time to time during the years, too. It makes so much more sense to me than taking the snow days when the public school does. "Sun days" are always much needed to relieve homeschoolers from CABIN FEVER!
On to the second point -- Rebecca, give it up!! You are NEVER going to convince us that you aren't photogenic. We can all CLEARLY see that you DO look great in pictures. I should look so good.
Yeah, what Nanci said about giving it up.
LOVE the gigundo pin! I had one, but B. kept making fun of it, and now it has mysteriously vanished....
Still a tad cool to take a sun day, plus, I think I've used up my quota, plus, I finally got my "lesson plans"/schedule nice and figured out and printed up. But boy does that sound like a grand idea!
I love finally seeing grass, robins, fresh from the line sheets- in early March!, and I heard the first red-wing black bird while I was hanging the sheets out today!
Oh, and I went and checked my herbs- new growth just beginning to creep up!
You asked what pattern I'm using for maternity, I'll let you know. I don't remember off the top of my head, and its actually a regular pattern I'm tweaking- making the yoke of the skirt with t-shirt material. I want to do it this week, Milestone Birthday this weekend, and I think I need something new and pretty. So I don't feel old. (Couthirtygh)
I guess I must give up.
I never knew I had blind readers....
Wouldn't you rather we be blind than agree with you?!
Here is (hopefully) the link to the pattern:
Friday sounds good...I will drop by after I get the kiddos to school! I will bring Eli a lunch...what can I bring to share with you?
You do make me laugh with all of your "unphotogenic" shots...hehehe...I are most unconvincing.
Sun-day! Awesome! :)
Just give up. You look fabulous! :)
Thanks for sharing!!!
How fun! One of the many reasons I love homeschooling is that we can take off whatever days are convenient/needed for our family! When I was still being homeschooled my mom always let us take our birthday off. I've continued the tradition with our family. The boys love it! Of course, it's not so fun when birthdays fall on the weekend or in the summer.
I just love the picture of Smooch! And I have to agree with everyone else, you are NOT non-photogenic, that would be ME! ;)
Well, I'd better get going with school. We took yesterday off because we've all had a nasty cold. Esther was doing the worst but she seems to finally be over the hardest of it.
I have pictures taken of my projects. I'll try to get them put up on my blog in the next couple days. :)
I had a great time yesterday Rebecca- thanks for inviting us :) You look wonderful, so call me blind :)
Rebecca, you look so cute!:) Hope you are feeling better.
Hi Rebecca. I took your advise and set up a blog today. Its not much but a start. I guess it will come to me. Oh I am the one that left an annomous message a few days ago. Well I hope I can learn a thing or to from you on blogging. YOu have a beautiful family. And yes you are to. YOu glow with your preganacy.
Since I am new at this I will just give you the link to my blog. Now remember I am new at this and my first is not very much.
I hope this is right. Well I guess I will wait and see if I see you there.
Rebecca I feel SO NOT SMART! I have my folks coming in for Elis 3rd Birthday party...Ive already committed to going roller skating that I dont want to leave them ALL day long with nobody, I *should* probably be working on the party stuff....Would any day next week work for you? Im free next Wednesday...I am SO sorry! Where in the world is my brain?
Jenny~ for some BIZARRE reason, I am not being able to post a comment on your blog! Which is a shame because I *LOVE* it. I am SO excited to have you participate in Foto Fridays-your photos are stunning. Positively exquisite! I doubt you will be back to check this comment so I will continue to try to comment on your blog....
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