Monday, April 12, 2010

Fair Weather Warning

I am putting the finishing details on the Discipline series (it WAS done~the problem is I just keep finding things to add. Tsk Tsk) and plan to post ALL of it, in increments, throughout the week. I think it may lack coherency if spread out too much. (And frankly, I just want to be done with it! hehe)

Consider this a fair warning: YOU decide whether to look forward to visiting here or to avoid this blog like the plague for the next week. ;-)

I will likely be done the series by the weekend-most definitely by Monday-at which time this blog will resume its' silly, inconsequential postings of photographs of cows, chickens and children for our families' remembrance "book".

Foto Friday will be happening as usual, of course, and if I have time I may post the "inconsequentials" throughout the week-but no promises. :-)

For those of you just joining the discussion, or needing a refresher after the week long hiatus from the discussion~ you can read parts ONE and TWO here:

Raising Abel: Part 1 (the disclaimer)

Raising Abel: Part 2

SO read up!

Tonight I will be posting Part 3


  1. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Rebecca, Since im playing catch up on your blog im just seeing this.
    Your one great mamma! Thankyou for standing on this soapbox :)

  2. Rebecca I love your blog so much. I eagerly look forward to all of your posts. From the silly antics to the soapboxes. From the beautiful pictures to your heartfelt (discipline series)posts. I have to trim down my google reader a lot but I would never cut your excellent blog out ever and I know there are many just like me. You truly are a wonderful role-model to me. And I love your sense of humor.

  3. OH I just read part 3!! And it has been a true blessing!! I know my children are not perfect and I don't even come close but we have always tried to bring them up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We have encountered some rough spots during the adolescent years. Unfortunately I know I caused my parents grief as a young adult. It was a case of wanting to do things "MY" way even though I knew the scriptures and had been raised differently. Yes some lessons were learned the hard way but through it all my Mom prayed for me incessantly! I am so thankful for a mother who truly cared and continued to love me even when I was doing what I knew deep in my heart to be wrong.

    Keep up the good work!! And may God continue to bless you and yours!!


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