Friday, April 09, 2010

Foto Friday: BLUE

Wow. Totally slipped my mind that today was a Foto Friday day. Maybe it was the 5 foot high 100 pound, fully stocked wooden dollhouse that came crashing down this morning and the hurricane cleanup that it required?! Yeah. Perhaps that was it. (No one was hurt, thankfully)

I was hoping for incredibly blue skies this week to capture, maybe with some dappled clouds, but while the weather WAS heavenly (it was 87 one day! Shock of all shocks!), the sky seemed a very mild blueish gray, nothing striking. Not complaining. This week was sheer heaven on earth in my book, blue sky or not.

We spent every spare moment outside that we could, and even trekked to a local park. (I like to do that, in case you haven't noticed...)

Do these flowers count as blue? Too bad I didn't have some lovely bluebells or lupines to photograph. But seriously. TULIPS, FORSYTHIA, DAFFODILS, beautifully stunning flowering TREES....are all in BLOOM. This is amazing to me, people. Flowers DO something to me, something to my SOUL. (Hear this hubby?!?!?)

And here is a little playhouse at the park. Sadly, it had wasps everywhere so my children refused to go near it. Because wasps are just AFTER them, you know.

One of the only things I collect is blue glass. (That and dutch tiles, but since all of my dutch tiles except ONE has fatally fallen off the walls to their demise in this house, I guess I can't call them a collection anymore. *sniff*) So, yeah. I really like blue glass. Which means, I had it pretty easy this week.

When it comes to blue glass, I break my "one is enough rule". Because one is NEVER enough of blue glass. I don't think there would ever BE a too-much point, come to think of it.

I have bought all of these for dimes and quarters at yard sales and then found similar things at antique stores for buckets more. I probably would never have started collecting them if I would have had to pay buckets. But quarters and dimes?!? uh YEAH.

Isn't it interesting that two different views of the exact same shot turn out to have completely different "feels"??

And of course, as beautiful as blue glass is in a window, it becomes MAGNIFICENT when paired with fresh flowers.

And finally~ not really artistic but... PROOF that I am making progress toward a clean craft room after the Easter clothes marathon. I even organized and rewrapped the yarns in the yarn basket and organized my SEWING basket. I have only the ONE corner left to work on before I am satisfied and can start on my next project...waiting on the ironing board. (and I PROMISED Corynn a project or two to work on as well.)

Let's see everyone elses' contributions:

In order to participate in these Foto Friday challenges, you must take a photo (or several) pertaining to the challenge WITHIN the challenge week and post it/them to your blog. When you do, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} so that perhaps we can get lots of participants! (Because, you know, the more the merrier!) Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

For those of you new to this blog (or to Foto Friday's in general), each Friday we get a new photo challenge to work on for the week and we post our photos the next Friday and link back up here. Whatever your skill level, the goal is to get behind your camera and to begin, as you practice, to view subjects in a different light. To extend yourself and your concepts and ideas. To create ART instead of just snapping a picture. And to do it all while having FUN.



  1. I always keep my eyes open for Dutch tiles or anything blue that you would like when I'm thrifting (which doesn't happen as often as I would like). I haven't found anything, but I look!

    I love all your blue glass! It is amazing, the two different perspectives.
    Oh how I would love a "real, live" playhouse for my Littles someday. But they do seem to be a haven for wasps :0(

    Loving all the flowers in bloom too, and I'm glad no-one was hurt by the flying dollhouse!

  2. Um, what're we supposed to bedoing next?

  3. yikes! I forgot! Sorry!

  4. I LOVED the pictures of the blue glassware, simply BLUETIFUL :) Just being silly :)...So I am with Bonnie, what's next on the agenda? :)

  5. I really love the 4th picture. The one with all the blue glass and flowers in front of the window. Oh that is soooo lovely. That is by far my favorite view. I love the way blue glass looks.

  6. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I really love the overhead shot of the blue glass. Just beautiful!

  7. I'm in love with the tiny blue flowers.

    Yellow next week, huh? Ouch, all my little dwarf daffodils have faded. I'll have to think of something else for yellow.

  8. I love blue glass. =)

  9. Anonymous2:52 PM

    I love the blue glass! Thanks so much for doing this--looking forward to next week!

  10. I love the violets. I used to stop and pick them as I walked back our mile long driveway each day after school in the spring.

  11. Your blue glass is beautiful! I love them. I have violets outside my door and they are so pretty. I'm very happy that next week is yellow because it's one of my favorite colors.

  12. Blue glass is so incredibly beautiful. 1st class!
    yellow should be interesting...

  13. The blue glass is beautiful. I had several pieces of blue glassware, but our movers broke it. :(

    Glad no one was hurt today.

    My photos are limited to blue at the Grand Canyon this week. ;)

  14. Love the blue glass, Rebecca! :)


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