Friday, April 08, 2011

Foto Friday

My favorite for the week:

Kinda says it all, doesn't it?!?!

What's YOURS?

This weeks theme, if you are up to it is.... PETS. But any favorite will do!


Last weeks' favorites were:

~ Lovely spring shot. The deep colors are great and I love the out of focus grass in the foreground.

~ The suggested theme for last week was shoes and I have to say---every parent knows what THIS is like! Great use of foreground and background too!

*** Edited to Add... ****

1) SOMEONE emailed me a while ago concerning my Foto Friday button and that email was somehow deleted and I have no idea how to get back with that person. If it was you, would you please email me again? So sorry for not responding right away!

2) I have been horrible at commenting on everyones Foto Friday contributionslately and I am sorry about that. I check every single one and enjoy perusing everyones' blogs each week. Just wanted to let you know THAT and to let you know that I will be trying to do better in regards to commenting now that I am feeling more "myself" these days.

3) Jess~ if you are reading this~ NO, I never got any pictures of your little guy. I don't know why or how they never come through but it makes me mad. Maybe I will see him in PERSON one of these days....

4) If you have emailed me recently, I will be getting back to you soon. Sorry for the wait! And thank you for your patience with me and my very limited computer time that gets filled with blogging and then is over

The end.


  1. What a cute little fellow!! :0)

  2. Thats an adorable photo- It reminds me of your caption challenge with saying "YOU DID WHAT??" :)

  3. What a cute face! He's a sweety!


Whatdya Think?