Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Homemade Vanilla Extract How-To

I don't know about you but I use a crazy amount of vanilla in a years time, so much so that those teeny little bottles with suck-it-up-crazy-prices are laughable. Or cryable.

So I don't suck up those prices any more.

Now, I make my own.

And you can too!

Even if you don't use a lot of vanilla, the cost benefits give you a great reason to try it out and homemade vanilla only gets BETTER with age, so take as much time using it up as you like!

All you need is:

glass jar(s)
vanilla beans
80 proof vodka

The ratio is 5 beans to 1 cup vodka, so if you are making LOTS just adjust your measurements accordingly.

Use a sharp knife to split your vanilla beans lengthwise to free up those itty bitty delicious bits of seed. Take a few sniffs, it is sublime.

Then just plunk your beans and funnel your vodka into your glass jar (I used some sadly empty syrup jars...sniff) and wait.

It takes about six months to be fully cured. At that point, you can strain out the beans if you would like.

If you start now, you can have an awesome homemade gift for the bakers on your Christmas list!

You will make their day and they will think you are


  1. I make my own all the time and it really is less expensive *and* better quality!

  2. You Rocketh. Thanks!

  3. awesome, i don't use very much vanilla but i think i need to try this anyways. unfortunately i don't have bottles layin around :( wonder where i could find some... this would make a good gift for my mil, my gramma IL, and several other people!

  4. Lana~ do you have any canning jars? They would work just as well :-)

  5. PS. You could even use the VODKA bottles! :-)

  6. Brilliant gift idea. Love it! Thank you!

  7. Thank you Rebecca. I have been waiting for this one. We go through vanilla crazily around here. My chocolate chip cookie cravings alone will guzzle down a jar of this stuff!

  8. Where d0 you buy your vanilla beans? Buying just the beans to make the amount of bulk vanilla I currently buy would cost more than the finished extract, but I really want to try this!

  9. Wendy9:21 AM

    I love, love, love homemade vanilla extract. As long as you use 5 beans per 8 ounces vodka, the extract will turn out very well. I like to buy vanilla in bulk at as the savings are pretty significant.




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