Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Nests are popping up everywhere around here.

Some treats I made to share:

A treat I made for myself:

A treat Corynn made by herself:

Lovely nests, how I admire thee.

Yea, the sparrow hath found an house, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, [even] thine altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God. Psalm 84:3


  1. Those necklaces look so sweet!

  2. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Hello Rebecca, I love the beautiful treats...the ones for the children and for you! Wow you are so talented! hugs, mumofeight
    P.S. Not for the blog comments...Our daughter and I have begun a new website, can you go by it and leave us a comment if you have time. We are on a small family farm and trying to help to add to our income. Can you give me advice on how to advertise? thank you Karen Lossing

  3. Anonymous8:07 PM

    oh, those sweet necklaces! would you consider posting a tutorial?

    wowed by you, as always ~

    beth in va

  4. The reason I didn't remember the birds nest necklaces was because theirs were way different than yours (and btw, I love yours Much Much More!) They are so sweet and I really like the idea of adding the amt of eggs in your nest (for right now anyhow) :) They are beautiful Rebecca, and Corynn, NICE JOB! :)

  5. Love the necklaces!! The kids and I made little nests like that one year except I think our nests were white chocolate melted over coconut?...those cadberry candy shell eggs are my absolute favorite candy, I think. :) Kinda good they are out only once a year, eh? ;)


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