Friday, July 22, 2011

Foto Friday

One of my favorite days of the week~ it is time to share your favorite photo of the week!

It could be any photo of any subject that you would like, but each week I offer an optional challenge for those who are in need of some inspiration.

Last week, the challenge was High Angle.

Once again, I found a few moments this morning to try the challenge out but I wish I would have taken time out this week to do a better job. It would have been a fun challenge to actually take my time on, especially since I tend to shoot from low vantage points. Probably because I am afraid of heights. Or falling from heights, more specifically.

And btw, I am really going to try to have these Foto Friday posts up earlier in the day for you from now on. Thank you for your patience.

Here are a few high angle shots:

Now let's see what favorites you all had!

And my favorites from last week:

Winner #1: Terri @ Hearts in Service

It can be a REAL challenge to capture winged creatures, let alone one with four wings (!) yet this picture is crisply focused. And I *love* the light shimmering in the wings. What a capture!

Winner #2: Miranda @ Memories by Miranda

Boys will be boys and this shot speaks volumes about them. The light is great, the composition is great and the skunk trap is great ;-)

To participate in Foto Friday, you need only to share a favorite snapshot of the week and link up here each Friday. But because some have asked and enjoy weekly challenges, I include a weekly photo challenge as well.

Next week is......


We'll see how it goes!


  1. I'm excited about next week's challenge! By the way, I'm officially jealous of how great your veggies look. I can't believe I won a challenge! THanks.

  2. Great tractor photos! I can't believe your veggies either! We've had an awful gardening year. There is ONE squash, and ONE pickling cucumber out there. and some tomatoes that may never ripen, lol.

  3. I love that first shot! Awesome! May have to copy that with my dear hubby...I think it would be so cool framed!

    I pooped out of Foto Friday...feel so tired AND we've been so busy!!! I have a HUGE list of things I want to and am trying to accomplish before my bloggy and photos have suffered.

    I'm so glad you got my letter! YAY! My memory is so bad these days, I can't remember what I said! LOL! Hopefully, it wasn't boring and it was encouraging!

    You are a gem! :)

    Blessings, friend!

  4. I love that last photo!!! Definately seems to capture what little boys do best:) I hopefully am able to enter next week:)


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