Friday, July 22, 2011

You're jealous...I know

Good thing the messy look is sorta 'in' right now.

Because a van with broken air conditioning = very very VERY bad hair days.

(Foto Friday post to come this afternoon.. I, ummmm, haven't taken any pictures yet. hehe)


  1. And your rockin' the messy look just fine. You have know idea how much I wish I could pull off braids without looking like an 8 year old. Trapped in a 31 year olds body.

    You make them look totally chic.

  2. *You're* that should be. Geez, and I call myself a teacher...

  3. Oh My Gosh, you're (spelled it right this time) famous! I just saw your party on U-Create parties!!!!!!

  4. Haha! You're so cute! Hope you get some kinda A/C soon.

  5. I think you look quite lovely :) If it's as hot there as it is here...I feel for you on not having air in the vehicle. We've been under an excessive heat warning here all week. Stay cool..
    Blessings, Jerelene

  6. Totally can air con for my Burb either this summer! :)

  7. When you dropped by the other week, you saw what the real messy look is. I think you're a sham! Cute braids don't count! :)


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