Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tonight is the night!

I've got the honey chamomile cupcakes made,

the batches of peppermint tea and lavender lemonade chilling in the fridge,

and my hair amply POOFED for such an occasion. (the no-heat curling trick again. It either works beautifully or turns me into a poodle. I prefer the working beautifully, but it is the poodle look that gets the most 'ooooh's and aaaaahh's from the crowd of children.)

(please pardon the STILL not wallpapered bathroom...)

I guess all that is left is actually TEACHING the class on Herbs tonight.

It is at 7:00 if you want to come. ;-)

Ready or not....here I go!


  1. What is the no-heat curling trick? Do tell. Have a fun time teaching your class. Wish I was there.

  2. Ooooo...how do those cupcakes do in the mail? ;) Have a great night, Rebecca!!!

  3. Fun! Tell us all about it!

    Your hair looks fantastic, wish mine would take it that nicely.

  4. Christi~ I added the link!

  5. If we were still in the Southern Tier I'd BE there! Enjoy! :)

  6. Okay- is your platter from Wendell August Forge? if so, WOW! Small world! We lived in Grove City where the original factory was located. sadly, it burned down a few years ago.

    Your hair looks wonderful!

    I'm teaching a class, too. About lye soapmaking. Tomorrow morning. EEEEKKKKK!

    And, um, I really wish I could taste one of those cupcakes!

  7. I'm a typing mess tonight- please ignore my mistakes.

  8. Wish I could come. :)

  9. Can't wait to hear all about it! Your hair is lovely! Oh & those cupcakes looks soooo YUMMY!

  10. I love the no heat curls, I've done them a few times now after seeing the link last time. :) Got the most amazing compliment from my husband the first time I tried it and was sold on them after that... Can't wait to hear how your class went, how exciting!

  11. I would love a class like that! Your hair looks wonderful!

  12. The class went really, really well. It was well attended and I didn't do (too much) blathering like an idiot. And everyone loved the snacks.

    Thanks for all the hair love and well wishes!

    Tracy~ yet that is a Wendell. It was a graduation present of mine from a member of our church originally from Grove City. How sad that it recently burned!

    I wish I could come to YOUR class...I have wanted to learn to make soap for, I kid you not, YEARS now. I hope your class was a success! Wish I could have been there!

  13. Okay, I'm confused now. No heat curling trick?! What is this? Share your secrets oh wise one!

    Wish I could eat a cupcake or two. or three.


  14. How cool to see a Wendel August plate! I went to college at Slippery Rock, and was up in Grove City often, visiting friends and playing lacrosse. DH (well, he was DBF at the time!) and I toured the factory one day, too. We have a few of their Christmas ornaments. Glad your class went well!


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