After taking a little Miss Adele' to the doctor for a terrible, terrible cough yesterday I had to stop at the store and get more honey. (Honey, in case you didn't know, is just about the best cough suppressant in the world! This last month I have used up my stores!) The Easter lilies were gorgeous and the smell beckoned me straight from the entrance. And they were marked down to $2.99! I probably shouldn't have- but that didn't stop me! :-) I have been in DIRE need of good smells!
I now have three Easter lilies- and I put one of them by my bed. Having flowers by my bed is what I consider to be one of the greatest luxuries and on the rare chance that I do it, it makes me feel very much like a queen. I LOVE waking up to flowers.
A new knitting project. This one, in newborn size. Not because I have a newborn coming (sniff) but rather because the newborn size is the smallest, silly- and so the fastest to finish! Plus, I have a lot of single skeins that have been given to me that need to be used up on smaller projects because matching dye lots is near impossible and I feel extremely guilty going out and buying yarn for a project when I have so much already that needs to be used.
The worlds longest run-on about yarn. You heard it HERE. For free! ;-)
Our dog Ruby treed a raccoon...and was she ever pleased with herself. The coon? Not so much.
Poor little seedlings. I bought the lights required to become a fancy-schmancy seed starter but with my husband out of town all week on business, the seedlings are going to have to wait for their shelves. Hopefully soon! In the meantime, the window is working out remarkably well considering how drafty they are.
You behind a macro lens is a good thing. GORGEOUS!
I love the yarn!! I love the blabbering about yarn!! Can't wait to see the finished project!
Aww...your seedlings! Poor souls.
You're doing quite well knitting, Rebecca! :) I love the yarn you are using as well. :)
Yes, seedlings...tis time, indeed.
Wow! Aren't you the new knitter in town?! Very cute, and I love your choice of yarn.
(Told you you could do it! Just have to take a little credit here. ;)
I saw your link over at phfr! Thanks for getting me started on that link up. It is perfect. Not too time consuming and keeps me from allowing my camera to get dusty!
We are starting seeds this weekend. So excited! I am determined to have a good garden this year. I always have high hopes and then life takes over. I have a "get it done" atttitude now but ask me how I am doing in a few!
I've not seen ANY discounted flowers for Easter- I got some discounted Pre-Easter, just not Post Easter, how weird is that! :) I ought to go check out lowes they have good discounts on flowers and plants when they mark them down! Glad you are enjoying your lilies, they are one of my fav' flowers :)
Love lilies, love that yarn, love that sunlight (my, I'm full of love today), but the seeds? Sigh.
I just told you I'm not going to think about it, right?
That's me.
Not thinking about it.
p.s. If Andrew's cool gift is a tipi, you are going to tell me how easy it is to make one, and then I will steal your idea. (And if that's not his gift, feel free to do so, anyway, because the girlies would love one.)
enjoyed this post (exception being its opening line) a while ago and have been wondering how adele' is doing -
prayers ~
Thanks Amy. I really need to get it out more often. That is the first time in a....long......time.
Regina and Leah- you two are the ones who have been most supportive and encouraging to me when it comes to knitting. It feels GOOD to be doing it after years of hoping- but it does take an extraordinarily LONG time. I wish I could buzz right through a project. (I am such an instant gratification girl.)
Miranda~ I am so glad that you have joined up! And yes- this challenge seems to suit me because I seem to always have SOMETHING that fits. :-)
Elizabeth- Price Chopper, m'dear! Price Chopper!
Abby~ no worries about the seeds. Honestly, NONE of my peppers even came up. I got them at Tractor Supply so I am not very happy with that store lately. I need to do a whole other planting but I'll wait until Matt gets the lights setup for that.
Ps. HOW did you know?!?! Did I mention it before? Maybe as the Christmas gift I was going to make but never did? Either that or you are incredibly astute.
Beth- thanks for your concern. There was nothing serious to worry about, or at least nothing that can be done that a doctor can do that I can't. She still has it, and often cough so much she spits up, but I guess we just have to wait it out. Honey is at the ready.
Ha! Seriously? That's funny. Yes, I AM incredibly astute. Actually, though, as much as I want to claim that glory, I can't. A while back (I think it was a couple of years ago), we were talking about cool projects, and we discovered that we each wanted to make our children a tipi. I haven't made one yet (big surprise), so when you wrote, "I want one!" I immediately thought of a tipi for the simple fact that I WANT ONE, TOO. :) Awesome. I can't wait to see pictures and get the scoop on how it's done so that I can immediately copy you...several years from now when I get off my duff.
As far as peppers go, I bought my seeds from Fedco last year, and they took nearly two months to poke up because it was so cold in the house. Maybe you have the same problem? Just to say, don't blame Tractor Supply just yet. Once your grow lights are set up (!!!), the seeds might decide they want to see what's above the dirt.
I laughed when I planted pepper seeds this year because Fedco had added "keep temperatures around 80 degrees" on their hot pepper seeds this time around. HA! Don't we wish. :)
We keep our house really cold because heating oil is so expensive. It is not unusual for the thermostat to read in the 50ies. Yes, seriously. This may be why my daughter had chosen to go to college in South Carolina this coming fall. I didn't think I could grow seeds, but last year I bought a mini greenhouse from Wegmans and this year I added a.heating mat for the pots. Even with our low temps, most of the seeds that were packed for 2009 (!) have sprouted and the indoor 'greenhouse' is rather steamy inside. If you think your home is too cold, you could try this. I think you could even rig up your own greenhouse with some heavy duty plastic, but I liked the greenhouse because it has 4 shelves and it's on wheels so I can move it outside when it is warm or at least to a sunny window.
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