Friday, June 21, 2013

GOOD STUFF for the weekend

 I have been having so much fun compiling 'Good Stuff' posts lately, I think this might just become a regular thing.   I think a 'Because YOU Asked' type post should become a more regular posting as well.  I have been sitting on a few questions emailed to me for TOO.LONG (I am so sorry ladies- you know who you are.)  So look for that coming up too.

Here are a few 'Good Things' for the weekend.

  • The Creativity Crisis from Newsweek is a thought-provoking read. I liked looking through (and reading the commentary from) the slideshow of drawings from the 'creativity test' they gave to people.  Once I knew what they deemed less creative and what made something more creative I thought..."Hmmm."  It would be fun to see what Corynn and Andrew come up with.  So I recreated the squiggles and this is what they came up with.  

I am betting you can probably guess who's who.  ;-)

This.  Yes, this.

  • If you are a fan of John Taylor Gatto, I bet The Ultimate History Lesson: A Weekend With John Taylor Gatto would be right up your alley.   It has five segments totaling over five hours of interview so don't expect to be done in 20 minutes!  :-)  I have been chipping away at it when I am able.  Maybe you'd like to also?   

  • It is going to be HOT this weekend-  Taking this little bottle boat down to the creek might just be the perfect way to cool off.  Since we don't own barbies- I am thinking our dollhouse family might like a boating trip.

  • Don't miss the SUPERMOON on Sunday!!!! This will be the perfect ending to our year of astronomy!

Any plans for the weekend?  

We just POSSIBLY might have a romantic weekend, the Mister and I.  Maybe.  You know how these things go...  I'll tell you one thing, I sure could USE one!  A sunrise wedding on Saturday.  A kid-less, just the two-of-us Friday night.  The kinks are all still be worked out- but it should be fun. 

See you on the flipside!



  1. You know that gorgeous light I mentioned in the email this morning? Guess what I photographed.
    1. Pink
    2. Ruffled
    3. Peonies

    I should just stop blogging. I'm perennially a beat behind the crowd!

    Also, I think it's so sweet of Matt to give the two of you a night alone without those pesky baby goats. (They nibble everything.)

    p.s. Corynn is a creative genius, but you knew that already.

    p.p.s. Please don't take a wedding picture of us with our six grumpy, rumpled, sleepless children. Thank you.

  2. First of all..Ha to Abigails last comment! :) Secondly, I sure do hope it works out for you two to have a romantic mini getaway! :) I am so happy for you! :)


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