Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sneak Peak: 'Lil Lilian

It was really hard to narrow down the photos for this sneak peak...but here are some of my favorites from my recent photo session with Lilian Grace.  I am REALLY happy to have this problem because the entire session I was REALLY worried that I wouldn't get ANY good shots- it seems sweet Little Lilian likes her Mama's arms better than silly flower petal hats and fuzzy blankets.

Remember that flower petal hat?  I remember making it while pregnant (last time), in anticipation of a girl.  I got a 11 pound boy instead.  (Who I wouldn't trade for the world, by the way.)  But still.  Little girls are awfully fun to dress up.  I am happy to have finally been able to do something with it.

So what do you think of it?    Cute or corny?   Anne Geddes or Agony? 

Which is your favorite picture of the bunch?


  1. Cute - yes, cute! I think I like the first the best, but photo #10 in order top to bottom is precious. I love the swirl of hair on the sweet forehead.

  2. All adorable, but I love the one where she is looking over Mama's shoulder and you can see the little curl in her hair.

  3. They are all gorgeous Rebecca..If Samantha doesn't like them she is NUTS! :) You did an amazing job on all of them, it's really difficult to say which one is my favorite, because honestly they all are beautiful yet all very different...My Favorites are the one overhead lookingdown on the basket, the one of Lilian looking over Samantha's shoulder, the white rustic close up shot, the black and white one of her in the blankets and the one of Lilian with the flower petal hat eyes wide open :) I just couldn't pick one!!

  4. I think they're all amazing. Definitely Ann Geddes and better, since you also show the realness of baby and mama, which Ann's photos don't, being more focused on the imaginary.

  5. Beautiful Rebecca! Well done :) While they all showcase all that precious newborn goodness, my eye is drawn straight to that perfect little swirl of a cowlick and I can't take it away! Wow! What a unique to Lilian feature to showcase.

  6. Yes, Rebecca, all lovely shots, funny hats, but The Creator beats it with the funny curl!

  7. So gorgeous! Wonderful job Rebecca! If I had to pick I'd have to choose the fourth down. I have to say I just adore the petal hat!
    You are such a talented lady!

  8. #8 from top to bottom. I love the close up. Sweet baby! Great pics!

  9. I love the B&W one from above in the basket...they are all ADORABLE! :)

  10. These are wonderful!

    Favorite, since you asked, and because I like to follow the crowd:

    Second one down. It's simply perfect.


Whatdya Think?