Monday, December 30, 2013

On the 4th Day of Christmas...


....some of us went on a road trip to see my Opa.  
(Andrew stayed home with Papa and did manly things.) 

It was an exhausting day filled with hours and hours of driving- but it was a good one, too.


  1. Yay for Opa visits! (and for that gorgeous sparkly sweater!)

  2. I feel especially special that you made it out today for lunch, even after Christmas Eve At your house, Rochester roadtrip on Saturday (which I wish I would have known about more than 1 min before you left, I would have loved to have chatted about your time there!) then Newman Christmas on Sunday..Thanks for loving me so much that you came albeit your house was trashed and you must be exhausted!!! :) You are the awesomest sister ever, just so ya know ;)

  3. Bonnie- I second that!

    Elizabeth- thanks for having us! And for giving me a good excuse to put off the inevitable! ;-)


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