Monday, December 30, 2013

On the 5th Day of Christmas

...we had the Newman side of the family Christmas.


Now that all the Christmas gift exchanges are through (except a few little treats from Mama here and there for the 12 Days of Christmas), we are left with what comes AFTER:  The house is totally trashed right about now and I am feeling the overwhelming urge to purge, purge, purge (this, after the children already chose three toys each to donate to Salvation Army BEFORE Christmas-a tradition of ours.)

Nobody stop by unexpectedly in the next day or two.  Or do, but I can't guarantee you a place to walk  ;-)


  1. Oh I like that tradition... Need to purge here too, but I would like to have a better toy keeping system set up first. (Which makes it sound like we're drowning in them, but from what I've observed of others we've visited, we only have about 1/3 of what seems to be "normal".)

  2. I have a system, the kids dumped all the fabric cubes out while I was nursing.
    Oh well, I'm on the same page here.
    You made me feel better, like I am not the only one mustering up courage to face toy land this month.

  3. Bonnie- the same is true with us. We have far less on the toy scale than most people. I guess it is just that we have a lower tolerance, must be.

    PS. I will get over to your blog to comment on your handmade goodness. Soon. But first I must make a path.

    Stephanie- the best laid plans. And then, fabric cubes! ha!


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