Thursday, March 06, 2014

Peeking (P,H, F,R)





We very spontaneously had to replace our computer over the weekend.

Pro: I have a husband who knows how to do that sort of thing.
Con: I am a stuck in the internet dark ages and rely fully upon him to make everything run smoothly.

When the computers were finally switched over I thought "Good!  Now I can blog!" But then I realized that I could no longer get the pictures from my camera to the computer because something or other had to be installed/uploaded/downloaded/xboxed/ipaded or whatever it was that needed to be done.

(repeat pro and con sequence above)

All's well that ends well and our old computer was replaced before it died, so no pictures were taken to the grave with it.  I'm very thankful for that. (That would be HAPPY.)

I found myself peeking this past weekend- at the sound of a big sister reading exuberantly to her siblings... at the boy and his tractor making donuts on the snow... at the donuts, chocolate covered, on the counter... at the Waxflowers blushing on the the little girl reading comics while the big girl the teeny stitches on flour sacks that the Amish ladies down the road made and how they made shadow caverns among the cows...

I take the beauty of my life too lightly, most especially when the stresses and worry of everyday life pile up and weigh heavy.  When moments make you droop with weight like the snow covered pine boughs in late February, it does a heart good to peek. 

Somewhere a woman pines to be married and have babies but goes to bed alone every night, a couch stands empty where babies once were but are no more and a parent mourns their loss, a child lays in a hospital bed, fighting for their little life, bellies rumble with hunger that won't be appeased today-maybe even tomorrow or the next day, the quilt that warms a wall for decoration would serve better warming a soul in need.

When you stop thinking of your own worries and start thinking of others- that's when you realize how small, how light a load you carry.


I had to make a trip uptown this weekend to get a few plumbing supplies for Matt and while uptown, I went into Wegmans.  I was anxious, now that February is over, to go grocery shopping FOR REAL.  I piled the cart high with bananas, clementines, lettuce and FRESH VEGGIES and then called it quits. My heart just wasn't into anything else, I just wanted fresh fruit and veggies.  And lots of them. OH, and waxflowers.   Because they were so worth it!  (That would be the PRETTY.)  What a TREAT that first banana was!  How GOOD those clementines taste!  Oh my goodness.  Divine.

I promised the children that after the Nothing-But-Dairy challenge was over, we would celebrate by making donuts.  I've never made real donuts before (I did make baked donuts once), though I have wanted to try for some time.  By Sunday, though, I had the most excruciating headache.  Matt and I both.  We missed church and lazed under blankets watching Lawrence of Arabia or willing the pain to go away.  I got off the couch only to make some homemade chicken noodle soup (it's no fun making your own get-well soup, btw) and donuts.  I did forgo the yeast donuts, opting for a cake donut instead to get them done and over with.  And then, I never ate one.  But they did look pretty and impressive looking.  I did admire them before I plopped myself back on the couch to sulk.  Yeast donuts will have to happen sometime too, when I will actually enjoy the process (and the eating).

The other day I was thinking about Easter , specifically, about Easter clothes.  I never did get around to making anything special for the childrens' Easter outfits last year, which worked fine because they didn't really need them anyway.  Besides, they still fit into the clothes made  for them the year before.

 I got the crazy notion the other day (maybe in my headache fog?) that perhaps I would like to crochet the girls' matching skirts this year instead of sewing something.  Then, I hopped on Ravelry and found dress patterns instead.   Then, I laughed at myself. (That would be the FUNNY.)  Dork, says I.  How would I finish crocheting DRESSES before Easter?!?  Then, for giggles (and because I happened to already have two coordinating cones of cotton yarn) I started Adele's.  And then FINISHED Adele's dress in a couple of days! (For REAL.)  I couldn't believe it!  I might just be able to get them done in time for Easter after all! 

But until they are ACTUALLY done, I make no children OR blog. 

round button chicken


  1. Absolutely lovely everything! I wish I could buy an Amish quilt like that. How neat!;)
    Thankyou for sharing your corners of life and beauty.

  2. Great photos as usual! Love the wax flowers--I may need to pick some up at MY Wegman's! It's my happy place! I found myself smiling when I noticed the name on your delicious Weggies haul!

  3. Ah..So you say you are up to nothing, but in reality you are making dresses, not progress, dresses! :) Hooray for you, that is so exciting, I can't wait to see them! :) Not sure what we are doing about Easter dresses ourselves..No Clue.

  4. I've had similar computer problems just recently...and right now, my pictures are sitting in limbo. I am procrastinating, again, and will deal with it once I get other pressing things in order. I am thankful I have our (archaic) family computer working...

    Beautiful pictures!

  5. My mom used to make donuts just like yours when I was growing up. I could SMELL them when I saw your photos. The donut "holes" were the absolute best food treat! I never made donuts myself, though - maybe I wanted to keep that memory just for me. Instead, my sons grew up on "frog bellies" (crepes) as their food treat.

  6. Such beauty in every one of these pictures! <3 The donuts look delicious. I'm sorry you were feeling too yucky to eat one. Corynn is getting so tall!!! The flowers are so pretty! And the dress looks lovely! Can't wait to see your sweet girls wearing them. :)

  7. YUM! Make those donuts again, girl, and set aside a double portion for yourself. (That headache must have been a doozy if it made donuts unappealing!)

    Three cheers for Making! This year, my girls will be shedding their glitter from last year's glitter-encrusted dresses EVERYWHERE, and I'll eye your lovelies with approval. Good choice. Handmade beauty should win over gaudy glitter every single day of the week (and it would, if I could heave my belly off this couch).


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