A full week after writing "I hope to chat more here next week" last Friday, I pop my head back into this happy place of mine on the web. Not exactly more chatty this week, was it? But the week was full and busy and...being lived.
Matt's brother John (his twin, in fact) and his wife Holly welcomed a new wee one into their family yesterday. My children, of course, have been anticipating the day and the gender as much as pretty much everyone else. Yesterday, I asked them what they thought Aunt Holly would be having. The overall consensus was that the boys wanted a boy, the girls wanted a girl. (Naturally.)
Mama: "Soooo....what do you think Aunt Holly is going to have today? A boy or a girl?"
Judah: "I think it is a boy."
Adele': "I think both."
Then, as if to clarify, she said... "Or maybe it will be a boy OR a girl."
I should hope so!
Come to find out- it WAS a boy or a girl. Specifically, a girl. And she MAY have a name as beautiful as her...in fact, the name was on my own list! They haven't decided 100% so I had better not say, but I am hoping it is what they were thinking because, well, I am a bit partial to it! ;-)
I'll let you know soon. And you'll certainly be seeing more of her here...I practically begged to do some newborn shots of her. ;-)
I hope that maybe having a little sliver of a thing just over the hill from me, I can satisfy that baby itch that I seem to constantly have. It's a terminal condition in my case, I am afraid.
(A note on the hat: Little Lamb hat pattern found here. I made the hat first without the ears. I wanted the inner ear color to be gender specific so I waited to find out whether it was a boy or girl before making the ears. Had it been a boy, the inner ear would have been a light gray.
The first one I made looked impossibly small so I ripped it out. The second one I made would have fit a 2 year old...ripped it out again. The third and final one I made seemed the appropriate size so I kept it but, as is often the case with newborns...it was too big still. I should have kept my first attempt knowing that most newborns ARE impossibly small!)
The title of your post had me going there for a minute! I was so hoping that you were sharing some wonderful news of your own. Congrats to John and Holly, though! Their little girl is a precious as can be! And I hope they decide on a different name than the one that was on your list. ;)
I've missed you here this week. Hugs and much love from all of us!
I have missed your posts this week as well. Congrats to your brother and sister in law. Boy does he look like your husband. Twins run in the family ha!;)
Cute little lamb hat. Great job! Enjoy all the newborn snuggles! Christina
I forgot to say how much I LOVE the hat! Now I *must* learn to crochet!
Oh that little hat is sooo sweet. And the little one looks very much like Matt and his brother. I wonder if it will last? My last grandson started out looking like his daddy but these days he looks like his Mama, just 3 short months later.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that hat. It's BEAUTIFUL and SWEET all wrapped up in one and if Ever I have a little one again (doubtful, but hey I can dream) I would Love to have One gender specific :) And I too see Corynn in their new little one, Absolutely. She is beautiful..
Very sweet baby. I'm sure her auntie and cousins will be doing their part to help spoil her :-) very cute hat too, and I KNOW how nice your hats are :-)
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