Monday, June 27, 2016


The irises moved to peonies and now the peonies are spent and the loosestrife and roses are the main attractions in the flower circle.  I make bouquets and I take pictures and I shove my nose down deep and inhale slow, trying to soak up all these wonderful, beautiful, spicy sweet aromas of summer but I can't get my fill.  I just can't.  It all seems to be happening so fast.  I count down summer by the flowers and that we are already at the roses is incomprehensible!  Next it will be tiger lilies and zinnias and then daisies and outhouse bush and then summer will be all over!  

I've been showing all the signs of Lyme disease for two weeks or so and couldn't get into the doctors about it until next Friday.  Knowing Lyme is a nasty thing indeed if left untreated, I was considering going to the walk-in.  Then, Thursday night my stomach started cramping terribly and nothing I could do about it.  I justified the stomach pain as a million other little things that don't matter but that night I spent awake, chilled to the bone and shivering like a leaf but pouring sweat and burning to the touch.  Around 3:30 I wrote hastily a pleading cry for Matt to take me to the walk in...on the off chance I would actually be asleep when he woke up.  I knew, with the fever, that it was definitely Lyme and I didn't want to wait any longer than I had to in order to get things taken care of.  But still- the stomach had me hunched over in pain.  I didn't think I could drive and I didn't want to burden the in-laws with babysitting as they were due to go on vacation the next day.  Matt could go to work after the walk-in.

I walked into the doctors office, Matt staying in the car and hanging with the children until I got back out, and the doctor on call asked "So- what brings you in today?"  "OH- I just want to be tested for Lyme- I am showing all the symptoms and I want to get the bloodtest so I can get it treated."  She gave me a funny look and said "Well, why are you walking that way?   You seem like you are in a lot of pain..."  "Oh- yeah.   My stomach has just been hurting really bad...I am not sure what that is about...."  She started quizzing me and feeling around a bit (ouch.) and told me she wanted me to go directly to the emergency room.  I believe you are having an appendicitis.  I sat, flabbergasted as she said "I can call you an ambulance or you can go and get your husband."

Many hours and a surgery later, I was heading home from the hospital- sliced open and stitched shut but with not even a nice new baby to show for it- having had an emergency appendectomy.  TOTALLY cramped my style, let me tell you!

Matt never made it to work that day (or even today!) and has refused to allow me to do anything since.  I just sit on my mattress on the porch, looking out at the flowers and enjoying the breeze, trying not to make a mental list of all the things I need to be doing right now.   People have brought me meals as news travels fast in the country apparently, the children have been sweet and helpful and Matt.   Matt is just such a treasure.   This morning he deep cleaned my kitchen for me.  The grimy stove glistens, the kitchen aid sparkles and the tiles shine.  His big man hands smell faintly of Windex as he brings me some tea and I think Proverbs left out an important person in that verse.  A righteous man walking in integrity blesses his children after him, yes.  But this wife feels pretty blessed too as this man of mine has blessed my socks off.  

For a bit, I'll be moving at a snail's pace in this fleeting summer.  Perhaps, like the tortoise and the hare, I'll win in the end?  In any case, I am taking time to smell the roses.  


  1. I am so sorry to hear this but I'm so thankful you went to the doctor when you did. A burst appendix would have been much worse! Praying for a quick recovery for you.

  2. So thankful you went to the walk-in! An operation is bad but a burst appendix would have been much worst.
    Be a good patient, heal and rest. Let the world spoil you for a bit.

  3. OH no! Thankfully they caught it in time! I hope you heal quickly!

  4. Oh No! To think you thought it was Lyme Disease. I'm glad you didn't wait any longer. It could have been so much worse. Yes just sit back and smell the flowers for a while. You deserve a good rest!

  5. Praise God you got in and were seen before you appendix ruptured! Do be good to yourself and allow yourself to heal. Praying for you!

  6. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I'm so glad you got through that but wonder if you asked the doctors about Lyme Disease or if it was definitely only your appendix?

  7. Thank the lord you got into the surgery in time! Your flowers are beautiful. Please try to rest and get well.

  8. Thank you all for your thoughtful concern! Yes, I am incredibly thankful that the Lord worked it out as He did and that it was taken care of *before* any rupture occurred. That would have been so much worse!

    Kristin- I definitely have Lyme too- I just need to get on the antibiotic regimen. I begged them to take the bloodwork in the ER for that while they were taking all the rest- to avoid another doctor appt/blood draw. They did, yet another reason I am so thankful!

  9. So sorry for your troubles, but I'm grateful you got to the doctor in time. Sorry about the Lyme, too. For now, follow the doc's orders and allow your loved ones to care for you. Prayers and Blessings...

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Thank goodness you went to the doctors when you did, a burst appendix is not good. Hope you can sit still & rest, give yourself the needed time to let your body recover.

  11. Anonymous6:51 AM

    oh my goodness a double thing going on!
    You are very blessed to have such a sweet family to take care of you, remember to take it easy and listen to Dr and hubby's orders and sitting a smelling the roses is always a good thing! The stuff can wait, your family needs you to be a healthy and happy mama!


  12. I'm so glad you went in when you did, you've had surgery, and you're on the mend. What a blessing it is to have a wonderful husband who cherishes you as Matt does. You certainly are a blessed woman!

    Keeping you in prayer dear friend.

    God Bless,

  13. I am blessed indeed! Thank you all for your kind words!


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