Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Before the Parade Passes By

Last weekend our small-town-with-a-big-heart held its' Fireman Field Days.  Among the over priced funnel cake and dollar games, all to benefit the firemen, there was a parade.  Usually, it is has a few tractors, a few cars and a fire truck or two.  A smallish, sort of parade.

I decided we needed to liven things up a bit so this year we put together a circus float.


Well.....why not?!?

Much of it was homemade, from banners to costumes, but since it was all recycled from previous parties and Halloweens, it wasn't that big of a deal to throw together last minute.  Make a sign, blow up some balloons, raid the costume bin, stitch an over-sized bowtie and draw some eye-liner moustaches and we were really clowning around.

The one thing I did make the week before was Ineke's lion mane bonnet and tail.  And I have to say- she was pretty much the cutest lion 

Looks like someone with a moustache stole a kiss from a lion.  That was a brave thing to do.

Matt got his tractor into working order (after months of trying unsuccessfully) the day BEFORE the parade.  We were thrilled he could use it to pull the haywagon.  And maybe also a little bit terrified it would break down in the middle of the parade.

Oops.  Someone else got caught stealing a kiss.

It was a nice little ride down the hill into town.  As we got closer, I could see the trepidation on Corynn's face.

Our strong man looks a bit different today than he did before...  

The gypsy woman was happy to foresee candy in everyones' future.

Matt checking out the other Deeres

I crocheted Ineke's bonnet and used four strands of yarn for the mane- the main bonnet color, a dark brown and two fun-furs that I NEARLY got rid of because I wasn't sure what I would ever do with them.  Boy, sometimes being a craft supply/yarn hoarder comes in handy!

More info on Ineke's hat/tail here.  

I couldn't believe that I had a yarn that so perfectly matched her Etsy outfit! I mean, look at that!

I must say- I didn't coerce or bribe Matt in any way to dress up with us.  I was so impressed with his willingness to go along with my shinanigans.  He's such a good sport.  I think I may even see a hint of a grin behind that frown.

Home again, home again.  Can you see our house?

Everyone had a ball, despite earlier nervousness.  Ideas are already percolating for next years' float.

And guess what?  Unbeknownst to us, there was a float competition in the parade and WE WON FIRST PLACE.


Yarning Presently: 

I just cast off on this hat which was supposed to be the non-lion alternative to Ineke's special outfit for this fall/winter.  This will be the first ever knitting project I have started and finished all in the same week!  (Progress, right?!)  I was thrilled at this until I realized that the hat turned out to be more newborn sized than 6-12 month sized.  And that, after I increased the number of stitches AND the needle size.  Major buzz kill.  The only option is to do another though I am kinda sick of the color of butternut squash at this point.

And the book First Prize Pies because....well, PIES.  (duh.)

(showing off for Ginny, KCCO, HOHD)


  1. Your parade float looks awesome! And the hat is super cute!

  2. oh wow - absolutely adorable, every one of you! - i 'bout fell over when i saw the photos of your strong man.
    p.s. you are amazing.

  3. What a fun childhood and wonderful memories you are making for your littles! I love everything about this post! Happy Summer!

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM


  5. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Wow, way impressive! How creative you are, Rebecca!

  6. I agree - cutest Lion EVER! And I think you did an outstanding job on the float. Our tiny little town has an antique tractor parade every July. We even have some steam-powered tractors that shake the ground when they rumble by.

  7. What a fun post! That lion outfit is THE cutest thing ever (made even cuter by the adorable wearer)!

  8. What a wonderful idea and everyone looked terrific. Cutest lion EVER!!!!

  9. it's all too too much! love it all!

  10. cutest little lion ever - and I can't believe how old Corynne is looking...quite the little lady now

  11. The costumes and float are wonderful! What a great, little town tradition! We have lived in small towns for the past 17 years, and I love things like this.

  12. What a great time! It looks like the home circus was a hit!!


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