Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Swiftly Summer


When did Judah become the boy who got his own slivers out instead of running to Mama for comfort?  I remember when Ineke would nap on the porch mattress while I worked in the garden- now, because she moves too quick, she is now confined to the netting box.  ACK!  It all happens too fast!

Weeks of summer have gone by and those science projects and nature walks and memory work and art that was supposed to fill our 'leisurely' summer days have yet to happen.  Thankfully, I have learned well the lesson that children, when out in the fresh air and without our instigation, can't help but learn and grow.  They are naturally inquisitive, naturally motivated and naturally full of wonder and curiosity: children can't HELP but find things out.  I love to take note, to watch, to admire, to wonder at them and all their own devices played out in the free time of no-school.   I love seeing the three-amigos head off into the woods, my woods-children, all dressed in every stitch of camo they can find.

The garden is coming along nicely.  The biggest set back... major tomato blight.  Not just the late blight that destroys foliage but the nasty stuff that winds up rotting the ends of the actual tomatoes.  With 140 some tomato plants...that is pretty depressing.  Watermelons and pumpkins are pretty much non-existent thanks to the drought and we are just now getting a few cucumbers.  The greens are going crazy though and the peppers...oh my.  Wait 'til you see my peppers!

There has been a lot going on around here.  Matt took a week off the other week and did quite a few major projects I'd like to show you but I've been trying to finish this blog post since this morning around 6:30/7:00 am and am only just finishing it at 11:33.  So, you understand then.

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy busy day.  I started making a list of all that needed to be done tomorrow and just quit when I reached the bottom of the page.  So many things.  I have to go through three freezers to make room for the 180 pounds of meat I still need to divide/vacuum seal.  I have to can frozen broth that was in the freezer and can a bath or two of peach jam (to clear room in the freezer).  I have to freeze/can peaches.  I have to start a batch of zucchini relish.  I have to begin making a couple batches of ice cream (I need to have made 5 gallons by Sunday which means several batches in the ice cream maker).  And those are just the have-to's for tomorrow.  Not the have-to's for a.t.v.e (at the very earliest.)

 I'm not really setting myself up for success by staying up chatting, am I?



  1. as always, a delight to soak up every photo and word.
    what oh what is that scrumptious-looking beety tortellini dish??
    happy busy summer days to you ~
    b in va

  2. Beautiful! Love the one with Adele reading to Ineke.

  3. That is exactly what it was. Pickled beets, beet greens, tortellini and I believe maybe even feta? It looked kinda gross, actually, but it tasted quite good.


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