Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Crafting On~ A Mermaid girl

I was just delighting in the crisp autumn air when the atmosphere began to boil.  Isn't that just how it goes?

Temperatures in the 80's and 90's at the end of September?  Unbelievable!  You won't hear me complaining though- I guess I am easily swayed when it means Lake dinner with Papa and swimming at sunset.  If only I could bottle the sweat and dab a bit on every now and again during the winter months.

My niece had a birthday yesterday so on Friday I picked up a long abandoned head (which I had set aside because I needed to buy some plastic toy eyes) and found this free pattern and got to work turning a bit of yarn into a magical mythical mermaid.  I had a yarn that I had picked up of mill ends of this crazy pastel yarn that was both thick and thin which I thought really beautiful as a skein.  When I crocheted it up though- it was kinda, well, UGLY.  I wasn't sure what to do with it.  Turns out, it worked perfectly for mermaid hair- I love the finished product.

Incidentally, so does Adele, who could barely part with the mermaid when it was time to wrap the gift.  She has a new birthday wish now... looks like another crocheted doll may be in a my near future.

After setting it aside and finding the first few chapters kinda slow, I am getting to the good parts of That Hideous Strength.  I'm enjoying it...


  1. Anonymous8:45 AM

    That is SO cute! What a clever woman you are.

  2. LOVE the mermaid! I actually have sewn little mermaids once and some other little dolls from a pattern...a red riding hood and three babies. I wonder where that book is for the patterns! Lewis' Space Trilogy is good, but a bit of a denser go, I think, I'm glad you are enjoying it.


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