Friday, June 07, 2019


If friends from church ask if you might want some raisins....  it is POSSIBLE that 'some raisins' means a 20-something pound brick of them.

Bonus: it can double as a toddler chair until properly eaten.


  1. That is wonderful. I know you will find many wonderful recipes to use them in. When my uncle passed away, we found a 10 pound bag of raisins that he had been given from the church. I was happy to take them.

  2. How does one get a 20 pound brick of raisins? Do they have an vineyard? Amazon? :P

  3. Sarah- you've got me! I don't ask questions... my mouth is too full. ;-)

  4. happy raisin abundance!
    i keep hoping you'll post a photo that includes your baby bump –
    wishing you well, every day –
    b in va


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