Tuesday, June 04, 2019


Right above the sink, I painted the words "Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good..." precisely because of the seemingly unending dirty dishes.  Apparently, she prefers sticky graphics and selfies for motivation. 

Before my double chin came back.  

She REEEEAAAAAALLLLLYYYY wants earrings...

Man, I love her squint.

First mowing for the boy

and the Papa (for this season, anyway)

First porch supper of the season (this was May 2nd.)  Now we eat out there daily (pretty much all meals) though sometimes still wrapped in blankets or sweatshirts.  It is strange how cold it can still get...

NOT funny Corynn.

I wonder what I will do when my beautiful mulch piles in the woods are finally emptied?  One of the only perks to having woods ransacked before you move in is the free mulch.  

We have more kittens!  They are cute- all four.  But they grow up!  So....anyone want a kitten?  You may have one or all four.  Thankyouverymuch.

The 'big girls' got invited to a fancy shmancy Girls' Night Out at the Philharmonic. 

I love (and hate!) how grown up they became a few minutes before we had to leave.

And the little girl wanted to be fancy too- so she put on her skirt wig for some lush locks. 

Nothing fancier my dear!

Here's all the lovely ladies of the evening.  Not a nicer crew of girls was ever found.
Bet you can't guess which is the chaperone!  Such a fresh-faced mother of nine.

And it rains!  The garden is a swamp!

The weeds skyrocket!

And I discovered our fresh raw milk is pure gold!

1 comment:

  1. Annie Owen11:36 AM

    That last picture is hilarious! It's true, too! We missed it this week. =)


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