What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Thursday, April 15, 2021

My Peanut

Andrew celebrated his 15th birthday a few days before Easter with a simple request of calzones, Doritos, funnel cake and staying up late to watch the movie Jurassic World.

He also requested an almost $200 crazy expensive Spotify watch but ain't no way that was happening (and he knew it!).

Thankfully, he is the sort of guy to be just as happy with a carb filled movie night.

The best gifts this year were from friends (the last three photos)-one even came in the mail!- and it is clear they know exactly what makes the boy tick.

He asked me later in the day why I kept taking pictures of him all day long....but doesn't a mother have a right to be sentimental about her boy?  He is growing before my very eyes and I love it and I hate it at the same time.  I want to see what is in store for him and also simultaneously to freeze time.   I am so proud of the man he is becoming and I love the boy he will always be.  

Grow those muscles, do!  And use them well for the glory of God.  

Your Mama loves you.  (And your Papa.)


Rozy Lass said...

What a totally wonderful young man! They do grow up fast, but they just keep getting better. I enjoy having my adult sons visit because it's so great to see the fruits of all my labors.

Anonymous said...

Do you believe in arranged marriages? ��������

Anonymous said...

Really, Happy Birthday, Andrew! You’ve grown into a fine young man! (Yes, I’ve been reading since he was small!)
XO, Monica

Ulli said...

Happy Birthday, Andrew! God's blessings on your next year!

Jessica L. Smith said...
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Abigail said...

Happy late birthday! May God continue to grow your Peanut into godly manhood.

[p.s. We are relieved his muscles are not quite large enough to destroy the shirt immediately upon flexing. Give it time. ;) ]