What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Breathing it in

breathe ...

The rocking chairs have been dusted off and wait to relax tired feet and folks.

The strawberries were plucked and eaten, red jewels, warmed in the sun.

The homeschool portfolios and paperwork are turned in, and I tell myself (and know) that learning continues even now, as children romp and play and read and converse and maybe that is the very best way to learn anyway. 

We find and adopt a turtle for a day and wish for (and WIN!) goldfish at the fair.

The garden is in, albeit later than any year I've ever had a garden.  Tendrils wind, seedlings burst, tomatoes follow the sun, corn takes it's good old time and peppers get their heads nibbled on.  

The sheets get changed and blow in the wind.  Three large loads of laundry can dry in a single day with the dry, hot summer sun.

Suppers are eaten and often made on the porch.  Freeze pops are sucked.

The porch bed is set up.  The stone lady has flowers in her hair.  And the birds sing.

The porch is alive, the yard is alive, the garden is alive, the flower circle is alive, the sky is alive.  

And now, finally, there is time to breathe.


Unknown said...

Ah, the glory of summer. Lovely photos as always and the pac man cake is so cute. Lynn Ewing

Rebecca said...

A friend of mine made me that cheesecake for my birthday! It was very special (and DELICIOUS!) Thanks for the comment Lynn!