Friday, March 05, 2010

Foto Friday: CIRCLES

Last week's Foto challenge was CIRCLES and let me tell you, I didn't have to go far for inspiration. My own craft room had circles a'plenty-with lots of gorgeous color to boot!

Then I gathered up all the toilet paper rolls in the house and my little bathing beauty for some more circle pictures.

It was late afternoon on Thursday when I took these and the light was really bad. The only open wall had a huge, gorgeous sunspot---which would be great ordinarily-but made for some serious problems with aperture and shutterspeed. These would have been great just 30 minutes before the sun hit that spot. The colors and light would have been uniform then, but I still really like 'em. Probably because the little Miss is so stinkin' cute!

I think I might get one of these in canvas for our bathroom.

Our walls are sorely lacking any Adele' pictures, in fact, I can think of only THREE and those are here. That is pretty much pathetic.

I can't decide which black and white I prefer. Love the strategically located rolls in this one and her cute little puckered lips (I shamelessly gave her a candy heart to distract her from tumbling all toilet tubes in a gigantic avalanche.)

But this one shows her adorable little popped bellybutton (Turkey's DONE!!!) and her bumkin (not to be confused with Bunkin...) Not to mention-her chicken legs. My babies up until her have had thunder thighs but 2 months old...this wee one is staying wee an awfully long time and I love it!

And OK-I love the pointy little finger too. Yeah-I think I like this one best:


What circles were found in your neck of the woods?!

In order to participate in these Foto Friday challenges, you must take a photo (or several) pertaining to the challenge WITHIN the challenge week and post it/them to your blog. When you do, please link back to this blog {you may use the button if you like} so that perhaps we can get lots of participants! (Because, you know, the more the merrier!) Then simply link to your Foto Friday post with Mr. McLinky here so that we all can visit you and compare notes...

For those of you new to this blog (or to Foto Friday's in general), each Friday we get a new photo challenge to work on for the week and we post our photos the next Friday and link back up here. Whatever your skill level, the goal is to get behind your camera and to begin, as you practice, to view subjects in a different light. To extend yourself and your concepts and ideas. To create ART instead of just snapping a picture. And to do it all while having FUN.

This week's challenge is..................


Find one, find many, curvy or straight, dashed or solid---Lines are everywhere. Should be fun.


  1. You are right, Rebecca, she is so STINKIN' CUTE!!!! :-) I love them all. The puckered lips above the Foto Friday post are the best.

  2. Oh. My. Goodness. Sweetness personified!
    These are all great, and yes you need a canvas of Miss Cutie-pie!
    Not sure when I'll get mine up,( I am counting the seconds 'til nap-time. There are too many right now.), I have some, but I would like to get a few more....

  3. I almost did spools of thread and buttons, too. I spy a button from an Arnold Palmer men's jacket. (Verne has one, too!)

  4. I really like the spools of thread by the window. That turned out quite nice. As always Adele is so precious in those photos. They would look cute in the bathroom. I kind of like the ones in color better. The bright hat and the white toilet paper, adorable cute.

  5. I love the second one downof Miss Adele' . I'm not sure if I would keep it color or make it back and white, but it's awesome :)I also loved all the beautiful colors of the spools and yarn- just so pretty! :)

  6. Seriously?? How can anyone compete with those pictures of your cutie!?! Love those photos. You really do need to frame one of those and put it in the bathroom. Adorable!

  7. I loved all your photos this week. Thank you for the challenges. I found out about them last week and today is my first one.

  8. Oh, you must frame one of those for the bathroom. I, too, like the bottom one best. It is so perfect! You should send it into Charmin.

  9. I welched...*trying* to stay away from the computer! These photos are just SO neat, Rebecca! I love the buttons! :)

    Adele is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute!

  10. PS-You are a genius with light...the light on the buttons? How do you do it? GREAT JOB!!!

    I love the ball on the "Ball" lid too! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. FYI:::

    I deleted the last photograph after Matt told me that a family was split (parents sent to prison and children sent into the system) after a Walmart employee turned them in for developing a picture of their baby taking a bath.

    I deleted the photo-not because I thought it inappropriate but because I would never want to do anything to harm my family.

  13. Isn't it the depravity of this world so sad!?! But that aside, Adele is so incredibly adorable! Now to be perfectly honest I love the little pucker pictures, and those eye lashes! Do you ever wonder what happens to those eye lashes as they grow up?

    Please keep up the good work!

  14. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This is my first time visiting. Your pictures are so beautiful. How do I get started with something like this. New to the computer as well. Now thats something you dont hear alot.

  15. Anonymous~ if you have a blog, simply upload a photo that you took for that weeks' challenge onto it and then, LINK to it here, so we can come visit and see your work.

    Hey-don't feel bad about computers. I don't have a cellphone. or a GPS. or TELEVISION for goodness' sake-so I "get" ya.

    Hope you link up sometime!


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