Early morning light hits the tomatoes just right
As proud of I am of growing lots of beautiful heads of broccoli... I don't think I am going to grow it anymore.
Picking all those broccoli worms out before cooking- makes me lose all appetite for the stuff. And dinner is always a bit on edge for everyone- hoping they don't find any leftover surprises. STRESS!
It may make me a bad person but pesticide broccoli is looking pretty good to me!!

They are awfully pretty in the sunlight but they can't stay here forever.
The question is... WHERE will I put them?!
Peanut butter pie. The creamy peach and blueberry pie was eaten up too quickly to be photographed.

Baby Moses loves him some cherry tomatoes! Can you tell?
Pressure canner mirrors are so SLIMMING.
(except when they are not.)
I made a breakfast hash to top scrambled eggs one morning. And then discovered I didn't have any eggs left to scramble! We had breakfast topping all by itself. For SHAME.

I spied a gaping hole before anyone had even sat down to supper.
Summer tubs

Making homemade ice cream is a task that happens once or twice a week around here.
On 90 degree days it melts before it can smile pretty for the camera.
Biscuits and Sausage gravy for supper...because we can.

After supper porch sitting...for a few seconds before grabbing the climber from flipping the rocking chairs over.
Over and over and over again.
Corynn and her own zinnias.
Do you get tired of all the food and flower pictures I share in the summer? That seems to be all I blog about but I can't help myself!
Here's the thing: God is SO GOOD. And every time I make a colorful meal full of kaleidoscope from the garden or load a vase with lurid petals, I am astounded by His goodness to us in His creation.
Have you ever thought about the fact that God could have created us to survive and thrive on a single food... He could have made us to eat only cardboard. Seriously! I think about it a lot. Probably every day. (Hey...I think about food a lot.) Especially in the summertime. Especially when the lighting is so beautiful at every meal to actually capture some of its' beauty before it is wolfed down to be redeemed as energy. I can't help but take just a tiny moment to revel in it.
It's astounding. All of it.
Tomatoes are happening at our place these days. And MY, what a harvest. Last years' harvest was puny... whatever we got, we ate. I don't think I canned ANY. When you plant over 100 plants...that is a disappointment! I am thankful for this year and the opportunity to restock those homecanned tomatoes. My one disappointment (if I could be disappointed at abundance...) is how many red cherry tomatoes we are getting. I had bought several six packs of orange tomatoes and yellow pear tomatoes to go along with the ones I had started from seed...and they must have been all miss-marked because all I have is a ton of cherry tomatoes and NO yellow or orange tomatoes.
Happy weekend, friends! What are your plans?
Mine involve cheesemaking, canning, and cleaning. What else?!