What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, December 02, 2014


And with one fell swoop, Adele' is six.

She spent the day waiting until evening when that magical birthday time of presents and cake would come, bringing Papa home with it.

Dinner request was sausage gravy and fresh strawberries.  (I must make a pretty mean sausage gravy since it seems this is the birthday meal always requested by everyone in this family.  Either that or I have a very unimaginative family.)

I was under strict orders to replicate exactly the design she had made for her cake (this was a first for me!) and the edible version pales in comparison to her paper one.  She mentioned next year that on her birthday next year she may want to decorate her own cake her 'own self '.  WHAT?!?!? I am not sure I am entirely okay with that...

I was a wee bit stumped for gifts this year...even in their little, my children have SO MUCH.  My one inkling turned out to be a great one.  I have eyed her eyeing the snowglobes every time we would go to the store and wondered if she might like one of them for herself.  Oh my goodness... I am so glad I did.  She opened it up and gazed at it for a minute or two with this faraway look in her eyes and a smile swirling about her mouth and then said...."Oh.  I have wanted one of these for years!  Thank you thank you THANK you."   Pretty much the best reaction one could hope for.

She has always had pretty amazing reactions to kindnesses, though, and has the gift of making the giver feel incredibly happy to have done something for her in the first place.

She is a dear girl who often encourages and praises her siblings for their good works- and needs very little praise herself.  She forgives easily and loves unconditionally.  And in these six years I have loved every minute of getting to know and love this girl.

I can't wait to watch her grow into this year and  Lord willing, into many many more.


Davene Grace said...

What precious moments you've captured here! It's obvious there is so much love and joy in your family. :)

Quick question: where did you get that fantastic art supplies set? I'm looking for something like that for my kids for Christmas and would love to hear where you found that, if you don't mind sharing. Thanks! :)

Rebecca said...

That was an end of the year Christmas clearance item from last year I had set aside. I got it at Michaels. I have seen many art sets this year at Michaels- and A.C.Moore too!

beth said...

oh rebecca - your glowing adele' - her cake design - your children's happiness for their sister - joy!

Davene Grace said...

Super! Thanks for the info! I'll check at Michaels. :)

Theresa said...

I love that cake. I think you pulled it off perfectly.

Anonymous said...

I am LOVING that cake! Is it a tradition that your children design their own birthday cakes, and you create them?

Rebecca said...

It is- sort of. Most years my children give me a title of a cake and the liberty to go with it and do what I wish. Farm cake. Excavator cake. Dolphin Cake. Other years (my favorites) are when they say "SURPRISE ME!". This is the first year I have had a detailed plan to follow. (And I don't like it!)

Here's a sampling of cakes I've done in years past- though I see I wasn't as good at tagging blog posts with labels as I should have been:


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to your Adele!!! :) Everything is lovely!!! Your table is making me hungry...dern diet. ;)

Unknown said...

Sweet Adele...I remember reading about her birth!!! Such a lovely birthday and my daughter also LOVES snowglobes (unfortunately her little brother got to hers and well.....there was a lot of glass and glitter and tears)

terricheney said...

I love that you caught that look of utter amazement on camera when she opened the snow globe. Happy Birthday to the lovely little girl.

Sarah said...

Hi Rebecca,
Would you consider doing a post sometime on your favourite children's books (I know you've mentioned some before). I don't have children but buy gifts for friends' daughters who are readers (age 8-11) and would love your advice on classic but maybe not well-known books for girls that are good stories with good messages. Thanks and take care, Sarah

Full of Grace said...

Love Adele's cake, it was So Perfect for her!! Also loved her little face with the snowglobe! :) Hope your girls night went well! :)