What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

There is Love

Have you ever tried making pink scrambled eggs?  If you can trudge through the cooking part, when the eggs most closely resemble bloody organs on a skillet, they aren't half bad.  But, as was said that morning, this was one of Mama's worse ideas.  (I say, that went differently in my head.)

Millions of construction paper cut-outs, a quadruple batch of ValenSLIME and pink organs on a plate.  It must be Valentine's Day.

As it always does, it warmed my heart to see paper plate pockets, filled to the brim, opened up to reveal lots of Valentine drawings and pompom critters and perler bead creatures and rainbow loom gifts pop out from child to child.  The children were busy this year- instigated by a caring big sister who made sure everyone was lavished with love.

I love watching the giver of the gifts, as they excitedly explain just what/how/when the gift came to be but I particularly love watching brothers and sisters receiving gifts.  No matter how humble an attempt by even the littlest children, the receivers are always so complementary and genuinely charmed by the scraps of scribbled paper wrinkled up and shoved in.

It does a Mama heart good.

Do you know how Valentine's Day originated?

Valentine was a third century pastor who was imprisoned for his faith.  While imprisoned, he would write small notes on leaves he was able to pluck from a tree right outside his cell, meant to encourage the members of his congregation.  These little "Valentine Cards" expressed his love for the flock and his hope that they would demonstrate like love toward one another.  Eventually, the tradition grew for Christians to exchange notes of love and encouragement to one another on his birthday, February 14th. **

I printed out that little explanation and included it in my own grown-up valentines because, well, how superior a thing is that than the red hearts and box of chocolates that is now the be all and end all of the day?  How sad to have such a small view of such a great moment in history.

I hope that you found yourself encouraged in your calling, in ways great and small, this Valentine's Day.

 And maybe, from now on, Valentine's Day won't just be about romance but about the truest love there ever was.  And people who may not have any romantic love in their life won't need to feel left out or forlorn.  Because they can be encouraged too- and we can do the encouraging.

** Just another tidbit from that gem of a book The Christian Almanac: A Book of Days Celebrating History's Most Significant People & Events.  An absolute must for every family, in my opinion.  We have loved our copy so much that when I left accidentally left it in the flower circle last summer and it got caught in a downpour (and thus, ruined) I bought another one immediately to replace it.  I have never done that before with a book...I just couldn't imagine our days without it.


Leah T. said...

I literally laughed out loud at the explanation of the pink scrambled eggs! John asked me what was so funny so I read it to him, too. LOL

I've added the book you linked to to my wishlist on Amazon. We'll have to be sure to include it in a future order! :)

Full of Grace said...

Looks like the kiddos had a Wonderful Valentine's Day..Sitting on our counter are valentine's for your kiddos from Christiana, somehow they got lost in the shuffle, I am hoping I remember them for Friday! :)

Abigail said...

Love your beautiful new board!
And the whole post, to boot. Bright bits, happy children, sweet stuff-- what's not to like? :)

Two of my girls (who shall remain nameless) asked with some trepidation on Saturday morning if I make pink eggs to go with the pink pancakes I always make because they couldn't remember. Relief showed so plainly when I said, "Nope. Just pancakes," all because of the gross-looking green eggs and ham that we've had for the last several years on St. Patrick's Day. Maybe it's time to ditch that tradition.

And to end on a better note than green eggs and ham, your grown-up valentines are sweet and pretty, too! Those wax seals are gorgeous. (Somehow classier than my carved erasers. Maybe it's time to graduate to grown-up seals, huh.)

JenniferM said...

There are a good number of pious legends of St. Valentine. A common one is that he restored the sight of the blind daughter of his jailer which lead to the conversion and baptism of their household. Then, on the day before his death, he sent her a final note signed, "From Your Valentine", which would be the first "Valentine's" card.

What your book is a bit incorrect on is that while we don't know exactly when St. Valentine was born or when he died, feast days were most commonly assigned to commemorate the DEATH of the saint which would be their "birth" into heaven. It is believed that St. Valentine was beaten with clubs, beheaded, and then buried outside Rome on February 14 near the year 270.

When the feast day was first established in 496, St. Valentine was included among those, "...whose names are justly reverenced among men, but whose acts are known only to God."

Abigail said...

p.s. Related-- we own this book if you want to borrow it. I could bring it on Sunday.

Unknown said...

Just LOVED the Valentine. You spoil me! :D You have the most BEAUTIFUL real letters and cards EVER. :) I just love your chalkboard sentiments. Gorgeous fonts etc! :D