What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Friday, January 17, 2025


(a kind stranger saw us trying to take a selfie and offered to take a picture of us.  Nice!)

A camping trip to Watkins Glen with tons of people from our community.  (A Trail Life and American Heritage Girls community camping trip.)  If you ever get a chance to go camping with other people you know, it's tons of fun.  The kids were partying 100% of the time and the parents were relaxing 100% of the time.

On Saturday, the Watkins Glen gorge was INSANELY OVERCROWDED.  (This is beautiful tourist attraction so people come from all over.)  There were major traffic jams of people on those teeny, narrow trails.  (At one point, we were at a standstill for 20 minutes as people tricked past one another.)  And just days before they had seen major flooding to the trails so everything was puddled, pooled and wet.  We Newmans arrived mere moments before our whole group was leaving, so we didn't have time to grab waters or snacks or prepare in any way.    It wasn't a super great hike.  We arrived back to the campsite tired, THIRSTY, wet and annoyed that a 25 minute hike had taken nearly 3 hours... and we didn't see anything but our feet or other peoples' heads!

Sunday morning, the girls and I went out early before we headed home and it was peaceful, serene, quiet and beautiful.  I am SO glad we tried again the next day... if ever you go to Watkins Glen Gorge, tour the gorge early on Sunday morning and you won't regret it!

(You can tell by the pictures which day they were taken.)


Elisabeth St John said...

That place does look really beautiful. Because of my husband's job, our camping trips usually end Monday noonish. Nobody vacations on Monday, so it is really peaceful.

Els said...

I love Watkins Glen!
When we were there 2 summers ago, we went down the staircase and were impressed by the amount of water coming down, only to realize that in the meantime it had started raining heavily! We waited with everyone else for about 15 minutes for the shower to move away.
Favorite spot!!!

Rebecca said...

Elisabeth- well that is just about the PERFECT schedule for day trips!

Els- can we lure you back here with a trip to Watkins?! ;-)

Els said...

I'd love to! Will keep you posted when we make it over the ocean again!