What you do in your house is worth as much as if you did it up in heaven for our Lord God. We should accustom ourselves to think of our position and work as sacred and well-pleasing to God, not on account of the position and work, but on account of the word and faith from which the obedience and the work flow. ~ Martin Luther

Monday, June 26, 2023

Now if only animals would stop eating it...

All the photos from garden-getting-in-day look entirely too chipper to accurately represent our feelings at the end of the day.  Probably because I only had the idea to snap photos within the first hour of working.  

But the end of the day, ain't nobody was about to ask for a free hug from me...

That's exhaustion, not rage.

Putting in the garden never takes just one day- more like a week.  And it happened to be the hottest, driest week (and month to follow) of any spring I can remember.  Very few (if any) seedlings even sprouted.  I never got to plant potatoes, instead opting for a profuse (Lord willing) pumpkin patch.  I think I will have to rely on storebought corn this year which leaves a large chunk of the garden useless at this point, but planting corn three times is a bit much.  (I might though.)  My cutting flower gardens may wind up just being weeds and already animals have eaten the tops off of almost all of my pepper plants and some of my tomatoes.  (Turns out, having a dog cuts down on the wildlife.  I knew it!)

Ah, the trials and triumphs of garden season.  And, of course, the oft-needed reminder that even our best efforts to grow and flourish things are still entirely contingent upon the Lord's will and good graces.  It is HE who makes the harvest and not we ourselves.  

It was awfully cute seeing Moses pushing around Matt's childhood wheelbarrow and thinking on how the Lord made a harvest of children from one little towheaded, wheelbarrow pushin' country boy, many years ago.

Speaking of Moses- he asked if he could have a piece of paper in order to write his name and I, being the distracted and busy, hastily shoved the companion planting reference paper at him, knowing he would likely scribble the thing to bits.  "Great idea, Moses!  Go for it!"  I had too much to do to care (gardening Mothers understand) and zero expectations of him forming a single letter on his own as he hadn't ever done so in the past.

And then a bit later he showed me the paper with perfectly formed letters that he had written out himself (and remembered the spelling order!) and boy howdy was I surprised!  What a little genius!  He doesn't even need a homeschool mother!  :-)


Rozy Lass said...

Makes you wonder how people ever fed themselves throughout history. I applaud every farmer, not being one myself, and thank God daily for the food I put on my table.
You are a wonderful mother! Keep up the good work and be sure to enjoy your helpers, as there will come a day when they are all gone from home and you're stuck wishing you could adopt about six teenagers to help around the house and yard. (Can you guess where I am?"

Lynn Ewing said...

I live in the mountains of northern New Mexico and squirrels, deer and rabbits enjoy my veggies so much, but I still get something to eat and freeze, so I feel like part of the circle of life. Did Andrew finish building his cabin? Lynn Ewing

Rebecca said...

Oh, I know Rozy! I am already down one... and very aware of the fact that this, too, is fleeting! Too bad you are so far... my kiddos help several of our neighbors in one way or another.

Lynn- that is a good perspective to have when there is nothing to be done about it! ha! Andrew is not entirely done but boy is it getting there. I haven't posted his birthday photos yet (from April) because I want to include an update on the cabin... but either smoke, rain or busyness has prevented me from actually getting those pictures!

Abigail said...

A bunny just hopped out of the lower garden a bit ago, and I wanted to pull a Mr. McGregor, ha! Here's hoping all your hard work pays off with a bountiful harvest for you and yours...with bunny-sized bit leftover for the bunnies. ;)

Full of Grace said...

That's alot of work, no wonder you are exhausted.. On a side note, you look SO Slender in these photos, Like really and truly slender! I'm a smidge jealous, love your ever going back to pudgy sister

Rochelle said...

You look fantastic - Some day you have to tell us your secret… love your posts

Rebecca said...

Abigail... Good thing the cap guns are coming!

Elizabeth... Well, considering I have only lost 3 pounds in the last four months though trying really hard, I don't think there is much to be jealous about. Also, you are beautiful!

Rochelle... That's easy! Don't post anything but head shots (that are strategically angled). (Thank you!)