This past weekend we visited Grandma and Grandpa Newman. During our visit, every time music would come on, whether by toy or by TV, Corynn would start breaking it down. They were amazed at this, and found it quite comical (I do too-there is nothing like watching her little butt stick out and shake back and forth with such force you wonder if she will be able to remain standing!) At one point, she was dancing to her musical toy in the living room while the grown ups were in the Kitchen. She noticed us watching her and brought her toy in the kitchen for a real audience. What a hot dog! Gary wondered, if we didn't watch TV at our house, how would she know how to dance? Well, I shamefacedly looked down and Matt pointed at me...yes, it's my doing. But you know what? I am Oh so glad! All the time I hear people say, "She looks JUST like her father!" or "She gets THIS or THAT from her Father...." FINALLY, as I watch her turning around over and over until she is dizzy, and shaking her rump from here to kingdom least I can know she gets SOMETHING from me! I look on in wonder and amazement for a moment, and then I join right in. No-maybe not everyone would dance while doing the dished or making dinner...but I do-and because I do, I have taught Corynn how to enjoy even the most mudane tasks. No-maybe not all would do that....but as Corynn will show you...There is nothing better than dancing to the beat of your own drum.